Finishing work early to go play this in a couple of hours, can't wait! I have a T300 so I imagine I'll be spending some time tinkering with the settings to get the feel right like I did with AC and F1, not played the demo so wondering if any of you have had to alter the default wheel settings much for this game? What's the best configuration you've found so far?
Fix should be coming next patch, at least for the T500RS, but I assume this is a profile issue and should resolve the issue for the T300RS.
Did you guys had the same problem with the open beta?
Because I didn't (T300rs). FFB felt OK. Not as good as AC but OK.
Fix should be coming next patch, at least for the T500RS, but I assume this is a profile issue and should resolve the issue for the T300RS.
Probably not, but it's incredibly hard to drive and after making small mistake, it's hard to "drag" the car out to the clearWith it being like this could it brake your wheel
can confirmI was expecting this to be awful after the above comments but it's worked surprisingly well for me, steering feels perfect weighted wise, feedback, strength, everything by just selecting the T300 wheel controller, in fact it's the first time I've not spent ages tinkering with the settings on a driving game, I'm obsessed with this game already! Hope you guys manage to get your issues sorted.