Thrustmaster T3PA and Pro - possible to swap clutch and brake positions?

  • Thread starter Keluna
United States
Washington State
With no room for anything larger than my PlaySeat with center post, I was wondering if the Thrustmaster T3PA and T3PA Pro models allow the clutch and brake pedals to be swapped. I just did this with my G27 pedals for GT6 and it works well for me. I have a standard TX and a G27 and may upgrade to something with PS4 compatibility. Thanks in advance!
Some pictures of the internals of my T3PA Pro(awaiting new springs). If the newer versions are similar (other than spring types) it looks possible as the units slide on the rods. One wire would need lengthening (the black one that is between the accelerator and brake unit)
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Quick question if I can butt in?
I'm considering a similar mod but going with a 2 pedal only setup using brake and throttle.
Curious if others have already tried to do this?

I would expect it is not hard to dismantle these pedals. I do like how they each have their own housing. Originally I assumed this would not be a problem and had planned to just extend the cables for the brake (if too short).

My intention is to build a new frame construction for pedal uprights and footrest sections. Specifically with the purpose to maximise performance of a unique 4-5 tactile unit config for the pedals/footrest when using Simvibe and consoles.

I assume the adapter mentioned above is only needed if someone does not want to disconnect or extend cables?
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I assume the adapter mentioned above is only needed if someone does not want to disconnect or extend cables?

Correct -- if you don't mind disassembling the pedals and lengthening/relocating some cables, AND if you don't want (or need) the ability to easily switch back to the "normal" configuration with the brake pedal in the center and the throttle on the right, then the adapter I made would not be required.

My adapter was primarily for folks who wanted a way to quickly switch back-and-forth between the "standard" clutch/brake/throttle configuration for racing/driving sims, and a "custom" config with the brake on the left and the throttle on the right for use as a rudder pedal setup in flight sims and such.
Correct -- if you don't mind disassembling the pedals and lengthening/relocating some cables, AND if you don't want (or need) the ability to easily switch back to the "normal" configuration with the brake pedal in the center and the throttle on the right, then the adapter I made would not be required.

My adapter was primarily for folks who wanted a way to quickly switch back-and-forth between the "standard" clutch/brake/throttle configuration for racing/driving sims, and a "custom" config with the brake on the left and the throttle on the right for use as a rudder pedal setup in flight sims and such.

Appreciate the reply John and thanks for clarifying the benefits of the adapter, sounds like a good option for the various uses.
Quick question if I can butt in?
I'm considering a similar mod but going with a 2 pedal only setup using brake and throttle.
Curious if others have already tried to do this?

I would expect it is not hard to dismantle these pedals. I do like how they each have their own housing. Originally I assumed this would not be a problem and had planned to just extend the cables for the brake (if too short).

My intention is to build a new frame construction for pedal uprights and footrest sections. Specifically with the purpose to maximise performance of a unique 4-5 tactile unit config for the pedals/footrest when using Simvibe and consoles.

I assume the adapter mentioned above is only needed if someone does not want to disconnect or extend cables?
I have been running only two pedals for a while now, a bit unconventionally but I was forced into it. Firstly by an accident where I lost my right leg and secondly by several broken springs. I ended up taking the springs out of the conventional right hand throttle to install in the left hand side (clutch, for most people). Lucky for me, all I had to do to get the throttle to the left was use the invert button (but not invert them). Because of the single housing per unit set-up it is fairly easy to put the pedals to what ever configuration you want. Once the top two plates are removed there are only 4 circlips and 4 allen head bolts holding everything together.A nut to go on the back of one of the allen head bolts would be needed as the brake housing does not have one. I think the 3 core wire between the brake and throttle would need extending rather than rerouting. Below is how my set-up looks (centre hole would be empty for others running only two pedals). Sorry for the grainy photos.