Tic-Tac Round 1!

  • Thread starter arora


Tic-Tac Round 1



Deep Forest forward/rev Single Hotlap
One car forward and the other car rev, either way you like
+20% Power
-10% Weight
Rss/Rss (r5/r5)
Any: Aids/Tranny/Top Speed

Standard OLR Rules Apply
All Tar, Concrete, etc is Track
Feel Free to Discuss T Times, and Anything Else(including car/direction) OTHER THAN Total Lap Times
Keep Your Best Lap Ghost Replays Just in Case You Need them

PM Your Final Times to Ren-Tec, Once Only Please​
Deadline is Friday August 24th at 11:59 pm GMT



Mr P 20.222 / 43.875
Ren-Tec 20.313 / 44.234
Jake 20.626 / 44.373
arora 20.462 / 44.373
NielsG 20.776 / 45.058
Venari 20.568 / 45.433
bigracer 22.738 / 48.242


Ren-Tec 18.223 / 40.901
Mr P 18.211 / 40.947
arora 18.466 / 41.279
Jake 18.477 / 41.374
NielsG 18.685 / 41.624
Venari 18.784 / 42.202
bigracer 19.202 / 43.881
Damn you guys! :sly: I've been having a rest from non WRS events as of late ... but these 2 cars I just can't ignore :drool: ... the CLK is still my fave DTM overall though 👍 I'll get something in for these :cheers:
Just had a chat with Mike on msn and curious about the rules so I just paste the part in here and Erik can make a judgement from there 👍

Ron says:
mate was just about to post in that clk and the astra thread

Ron says:
might as well ask it here

GTPlanet.net/(Ren-Tec) Me says:

Ron says:
the wide tar before T1 on forest forward and after t2 on forest reverse is totally in play? 4 wheels etc..

GTPlanet.net/(Ren-Tec) Me says:
i would have to say that is a no Ron

GTPlanet.net/(Ren-Tec) Me says:
but i don't know what Erik will say

Ron says:
well thats why i was gonna post

Ron says:
Standard OLR Rules Apply
All Tar, Concrete, etc is Track

Ron says:
might be misleading

GTPlanet.net/(Ren-Tec) Me says:
yeah ok post and he will make his own judgement

Ron says:
using it to cut across is a good .5 gain anyway

Ron says:
yep i'll post ;)

GTPlanet.net/(Ren-Tec) Me says:
ok chap

Just so as we know from the off ;) :cheers:
Hi guys, nice to see some friendly faces :)

Ron you are correct, all tar, concrete etc is track, so that sidewalk is fair game, and also 2 wheels on the cobble is ok(don't think I'd recomend that though). I've ran all my races that way in hopes of no debate or doubt of cleanliness.

While I'm here.... I'll run a leader board as usual but this time I'll run top splits for both directions, you do not have to share which car is which if you do not want to, but if you do it like this it will be easy for me to cut and paste :dopey:

xx.xxx / xx.xxx

xx.xxx / xx.xxx


Astra Normal, CLK Reverse.

The CLK doesn't like Blake's Passage to Runaway it just wanted to jump everywhere, so I bailed. The Astra seems to handle it a lot better. That was what made my direction choice.

But gah, this is tough. Trying to keep them from skipping out over the lumps of DF is a mental battle.

Normal Astra

21.631 / 47.117

Reverse CLK

20.648 / 44.689

I'm using nowhere near the width of the track. Even picking a fight with the AI doesn't help.
Ran some laps in the awesome CLK to get me started and here's my first splits to get the ball rolling

CLK @ DF Reverse
18.211 / 40.947

I will take the Astra out for a few laps later tonight and then shuffle the cars around on another occasion 👍 ... great fun :cheers:
Holy cow. :eek: So the sub-minute lap is not only doable, but busted wide open already.
First laps in the Astra. Still with stock gearing

Astra @ DF reverse

19.177 / 41.831
Holy cow. :eek: So the sub-minute lap is not only doable, but busted wide open already.

No way a sub 1 minute lap will happen with any of these cars at either direction of the track mate ;)
I'm using nowhere near the width of the track. Even picking a fight with the AI doesn't help.

Not sure what you mean by that, this is a single hot lap in time trial arcade mode.

EDIT: I'll post your splits as soon as I'm sure we are on the right race 👍
Not sure what you mean by that, this is a single hot lap in time trial arcade mode.

Sometimes I let the AI drive races around me so I can watch lines. With the CLK at max power/min weight and the AI on 10, I can still run rings around them, so it doesn't work. However, the AI doesn't drive DF particularly smoothly in any car, so it didn't help.

Yeah, I'm using arcade TT mode. :)

Is the sub-minute lap not doable in any of these combos? Hmmm... okay. But you're certainly closer to it than I am at the moment. :D

EDIT New Times: Reverse CLK

18.784 / 42.202

Better. :)
Just been having some laps in the Astra on forward and the annoying thing about the forward track is the 2nd lap is the fast lap which is a pain as you've got to do a lap 1 with a crappy start against the ghost every time you exit .. on the reverse you can get your best lap on lap 1 :P

... ah well! will get splits up for the Astra when i've had a few more laps 👍
Ok here's my splits from the Astra so far ..

Astra @ DF Forward
20.222 / 43.875

This one is tricky and I can see a few tenths scattered around .. I'll be back in the next few days 👍
Good luck all :cheers:

btw .. I used auto setting 300 in the CLK and auto setting 310 with the Astra :)
Here is my first go at it with a clk forward

20.699 / 45.174

UPDATING THE BOARD:Venari, Ron, and Niels 👍
This should be fun! I have to wait until Monday to get a crack at it though...
o.k., here is my first attempt at rev in an astra

18.757 / 42.389

I think I will probably run this the other way :dopey: which leads me to this.....


I realize now that some of you may wish to change car directions so I need a few things from you to keep the leader board straight.

1. if you switch directions and have times on the board let me know
2. if you have times both ways in the same car tell me which one to delete

This only effects the leader board but I'd like everyone to know where each other stands, would not look good if someone had both times in an astra now would it.

Ok i ran the Clk forward and the Astra in reverse and this is what i got.

44.234 Clk

40.901 Astra

And a big thank you goes out to Sage for sorting out my extra posts problem, cheers chap :cheers:

I changed my car order and came up with some decent times, still a ways to go :dopey:

astra forward
20.606 / 44.992

clk rev
18.534 / 41.920

Much time to find but the week is young ;)


p.s. That was nice work sage
New splits for me :)

astra forward
20.690 / 44.672

clk reverse
18.598 / 41.600

EDIT: bettered my times just a smidge

20.462 / 44.373

18.702 / 41.548

Still coming to terms with t1 on rev, have had many 18.4 and a few 18.3, so I'm looking for another .3 on rev, and maybe another .1 forward, almost done :dopey:
astra forward
20.517 / 44.646

clk reverse
18.731 / 41.699
wow, eric. same exact T2:

astra forward
20.626 / 44.373
same splits, that doesn't hapen often, next I'll see you go wizing by ;)

UPDATING: Niels, Jake, and venari 👍