Time Trial Discussion

  • Thread starter seadog777
Maybe they will put the evo in one of the rally stage...and watch the world burn.....
I would LOVE this. Snow and rally are seriously fun for me. Don't know why but I get on with the slide in this game, it seems. As I hone my skill I find it's usually easier for me to go farther with slidey cars. The Roadster, Yaris in the snow, that Civic at Maggiore, the 190. All my best placements in TTs. A rally would be fun.
Sorry for the spam and to bother you with my messages... :P

BUT.... 1:19.193 😍


Finally and after having all these promising optimal laps under 1:19.2xx all day long, I've improved my PB by 0.134 (as expected). I've also gained 500 places at the leaderboard. That's crazy!!

The combo "special livery" + "sleeping cat" is definitely the trick to save tenths, more than I've imagined :sly:

Sector 1: 28.153 - Clearly, it's on this sector where I've gained the most compare to my previous laps.
Sector 2: 21.442 - Not my optimal today (21.295). Some hundredths are still missing.
Sector 3: 29.598 - There are still some hundredths there because the last virage was clearly just medium (but safe).

And guess what? My new optimal is now clearly below 1:19.100 ... :mischievous:


As usual, the replay is available in game.


BTW, I really would love a real review of my lap from the "Big Boys" (if they agree to share their knowledges).
There's still 7 days to go and I don't want to leave Grand Valley and my Road Runner :D
Jeddah, I'm coming for you now...:mischievous:

and you know what? I'm....
Sarcastic Cartoon GIF
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I would LOVE this. Snow and rally are seriously fun for me. Don't know why but I get on with the slide in this game, it seems. As I hone my skill I find it's usually easier for me to go farther with slidey cars. The Roadster, Yaris in the snow, that Civic at Maggiore, the 190. All my best placements in TTs. A rally would be fun.
I 100% second this. Enough grip time trials with high downforce cars.
We need more Lake Louise.
Sorry for the spam and to bother you with my messages... :P

BUT.... 1:19.193 😍

View attachment 1332372

Finally and after having all these promising optimal laps under 1:19.2xx all day long, I've improved my PB by 0.134 (as expected). I've also gained 500 places at the leaderboard. That's crazy!!

The combo "special livery" + "sleeping cat" is definitely the trick to save tenths, more than I've imagined :sly:

Sector 1: 28.153 - Clearly, it's on this sector where I've gained the most compare to my previous laps.
Sector 2: 21.442 - Not my optimal (21.295). Some hundredths are still missing.
Sector 3: 29.598 - There are still some hundredths there because the last virage was clearly just medium (but safe).

And guess what? My new optimal is now clearly below 1:19.100 ... :mischievous:

View attachment 1332374

As usual, the replay is available in game.

View attachment 1332375

BTW, I really would love a real review of my lap from the "Big Boys" (if they agree to share their knowledges).
There's still 7 days to go and I don't want to leave Grand Valley and my Road Runner :D
Jeddah, I'm coming for you now...:mischievous:

and you know what? I'm....
Sarcastic Cartoon GIF
Bravo mon ami 🇨🇵🇨🇵👏👏👏👏
Looks like GTP is absolutely smashing this TT, good work all! I haven't had a chance to try it yet, maybe later.
Are you sure? I mean, you'll spend time, nerves, just for a nice silver reward. You deserves more than this... :dopey:
I would kindly suggest you to skip Grand Valley and to jump directly in the new TT tomorrow morning ;)
Settled with silver at Dragon Trail and jumped into Ford Roadster for the first time...
New layout, but fun and time was going down with every few laps!
In the end, it came to 1:19.803, pretty safe gold - from the first set of tries, never happened before.


There was one happy slide, but I didn't have luck at Bathurst, it must return sometime!

Some improvement for me. I can now run 1.18.9xx laps consistently. Still searching for that miracle lap though. Precision is crucial here, slightly late on the throttle or too early on the brakes and it will cost you so much time.

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Fantastic score and ranking: BRAVO!!! :bowdown:

Funny to see that +/- 0.4 sec separates us but it's 800 places on the leaderboard :eek:
Fantastic score and ranking: BRAVO!!! :bowdown:

Funny to see that +/- 0.4 sec separates us but it's 800 places on the leaderboard :eek:
Thanks mate! You have a great time here as well. We'll done. I know that you are also not done with it. Come on, I am waiting for you to get into the 18s. You almost there!!!!

Yes this leaderboard is crazy. I went from a .918 to .815 and it was roughly 170 positions.
Thanks mate! You have a great time here as well. We'll done. I know that you are also not done with it. Come on, I am waiting for you to get into the 18s. You almost there!!!!

Yes this leaderboard is crazy. I went from a .918 to .815 and it was roughly 170 positions.
You're very kind Gogga :)

I'll see how and where I can improve my lap. But for sure, it sounds like a miracle to be close top players like you and many others.
I'm more than happy, I couldn't expect such incredible score when I started this TT.
So yes, I'll keep on playing for the fun (less stress) and sub 19s is possibly doable based on my last optimal.

Incredible, you gained 170 positions with 0.1 sec... :eek::eek::eek:
You're very kind Gogga :)

I'll see how and where I can improve my lap. But for sure, it sounds like a miracle to be close top players like you and many others.
I'm more than happy, I couldn't expect such incredible score when I started this TT.
So yes, I'll keep on playing for the fun (less stress) and sub 19s is possibly doable based on my last optimal.

Incredible, you gained 170 positions with 0.1 sec... :eek::eek::eek:
Keep at it. Practice makes perfect. This thread keeps me going and makes me push harder.

Yes 0.1 seconds gained me that many positions. Have a look here, this screenshot was an improvement from my previous .918 to a .908. This was not long before my .815 lap.
.908 lap was at position 508
.815 lap is at position 337.
That's 171 positions with such a small improvement. It's crazy!!

Keep at it. Practice makes perfect. This thread keeps me going and makes me push harder.
I can't agree more and speaking about practicing, I had 6 or 7 sessions of 10 laps today and I've shaved 0.141 sec (+/- 500 places). For a controller and AT player, I'm very surprised of my performance level here.

Reaching the sub 1:19s will be my ultimate challenge for the next 7 days. It's only 0.2 sec... ;)
Yes 0.1 seconds gained me that many positions. Have a look here, this screenshot was an improvement from my previous .918 to a .908. This was not long before my .815 lap.
.908 lap was at position 508
.815 lap is at position 337.
That's 171 positions with such a small improvement. It's crazy!!

View attachment 1332445
That's awesome, really awesome. Hats off!!
Can't wait for @half_sourly data in 8 days...



I think I figured out where I was losing time. I've got the replay. Going to upload it to YouTube and share it later.

You people in here are the reason I've found speed. Truly thank each and every one of you who posts and shares experience and camaraderie. Especially @half_sourly who keeps this place in order.

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I think I figured out where I was losing time. I've got the replay. Going to upload it to YouTube and share it later.

You people in here are the reason I've found speed. Truly thank each and every one of you who posts and shares experience and camaraderie. Especially @half_sourly who keeps this place in order.
Wow, absolutely stunning! My optimal has promised me a low 1:18.5 as well, so I'll try to fight back, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow as I just came back from a night out in the pub. And guys, if you need any convincing that drinking and driving is a bad idea, just attempt a GT7 time trial after some beers. :D It's frightening how much your reflexes suffer. Or at least mine do anyway.
Sorry for the spam and to bother you with my messages... :P

BUT.... 1:19.193 😍

Sector 1: 28.153 - Clearly, it's on this sector where I've gained the most compare to my previous laps.
Sector 2: 21.442 - Not my optimal (21.295). Some hundredths are still missing.
Sector 3: 29.598 - There are still some hundredths there because the last virage was clearly just medium (but safe)

Finally and after having all these promising optimal laps under 1:19.2xx all day long, I've improved my PB by 0.134 (as expected). I've also gained 500 places at the leaderboard. That's crazy!!

As usual, the replay is available in game.

BTW, I really would love a real review of my lap from the "Big Boys" (if they agree to share their knowledges).
Awesome time man!

I would never consider myself one of the "Big Boys", but I give you my two cents anyway: first of all, it's a very very smooth lap. As much as I've been an advocate for AT, I think you're beginning to approach the limits of what's possible with it. S1 almost certainly can be taken faster if you stay in 2nd gear after T1, which AT does not allow you to. Nevertheless, 28.153 is definitely an S1 time that can get you easily into the 1:18 region. In fact take a look at this lap from my stint yesterday where I pretty much botched S1.


I guess getting off the throttle shortly after the first turn in S2 costs you perhaps a tenth, maybe more. Be brave! :) But the biggest potential gain I see in the final turn. As you say yourself, this was a pretty safe attempt. You could have stepped on the throttle a bit earlier and use more of the track on the exit. Again I feel that this is easier when shifting down to 2nd gear mid-corner, but I don't think it's crucial here.

What's definitely the case is that the margins on this track are so small that there is no use in playing it safe for the last corner if you have a good S2 time. You need to nail every single corner. And since the lap is so short, for me personally it's not really a source of frustration if it doesn't work. Just try again.
You Got This Go Get Em GIF by Shalita Grant
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Wow, absolutely stunning! My optimal has promised me a low 1:18.5 as well, so I'll try to fight back, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow as I just came back from a night out in the pub. And guys, if you need any convincing that drinking and driving is a bad idea, just attempt a GT7 time trial after some beers. :D It's frightening how much your reflexes suffer. Or at least mine do anyway.

Awesome time man!

I would never consider myself one of the "Big Boys", but I give you my two cents anyway: first of all, it's a very very smooth lap. As much as I've been an advocate for AT, I think you're beginning to approach the limits of what's possible with it. S1 almost certainly can be taken faster if you stay in 2nd gear after T1, which AT does not allow you to. Nevertheless, 28.153 is definitely an S1 time that can get you easily into the 1:18 region. In fact take a look at this lap from my stint yesterday where I pretty much botched S1.

View attachment 1332465

I guess getting off the throttle shortly after the first turn in S2 costs you perhaps a tenth, maybe more. Be brave! :) But the biggest potential gain I see in the final turn. As you say yourself, this was a pretty safe attempt. You could have stepped on the throttle a bit earlier and use more of the track on the exit. Again I feel that this is easier when shifting down to 2nd gear mid-corner, but I don't think it's crucial here.

What's definitely the case is that the margins on this track are so small that there is no use in playing it safe for the last corner if you have a good S2 time. You need to nail every single corner. And since the lap is so short, for me personally it's not really a source of frustration if it doesn't work. Just try again.
You Got This Go Get Em GIF by Shalita Grant
The first and last turn make the lap. You can always make time in sector 2. My delta is always, every time no matter what gaining from the last upshift to third in sector 2 until the last corner. At least the way I drive that's the case. I need to hammer the first and last and be consistent in the middle. The last corner really came to me this afternoon and I got better at turn 1 as well. Obviously. Lol
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Guys, congratz on your awesome lap times!

I really really wish I had this drive to keep on pushing over the same thing. In this case, the online TT. As soon as I find a comfortable result or hit the first roadblock I just leave the TT. And then I move onto something else in the game 😃

But your posts here are indeed role model examples of perseverance! They are motivational as well!
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Didn't really expect to hit 52s with the Merc, but here I am:

I got most of the corners figured out before today, the quality of my execution was the only variable.
What changed today was I tried to brake few meters earlier before the "snake corners" as I call them (between multi-apex and the hairpin) and it worked perfectly for me, allowing nearly two tenths when executed properly.

Funny thing is that on this lap I missed BOTH salamis! I ran over them with wheels, the RNG didn't invalidate, the car didn't bounce so drastically so I managed to keep semi-decent line through the chicane and quite ok exit out of it. The rest is history.


Sorry Jerome for sneaking ahead of you once again, but it was surprisingly fun TT and your times always motivate me to dig deeper - it sometimes pays off. Only GlockPants is ahead on my friends list and Carlos is sitting this one out, so happy times!
Sorry for the spam and to bother you with my messages... :P

BUT.... 1:19.193 😍

View attachment 1332372

Finally and after having all these promising optimal laps under 1:19.2xx all day long, I've improved my PB by 0.134 (as expected). I've also gained 500 places at the leaderboard. That's crazy!!

The combo "special livery" + "sleeping cat" is definitely the trick to save tenths, more than I've imagined :sly:

Sector 1: 28.153 - Clearly, it's on this sector where I've gained the most compare to my previous laps.
Sector 2: 21.442 - Not my optimal today (21.295). Some hundredths are still missing.
Sector 3: 29.598 - There are still some hundredths there because the last virage was clearly just medium (but safe).

And guess what? My new optimal is now clearly below 1:19.100 ... :mischievous:

View attachment 1332374

As usual, the replay is available in game.

View attachment 1332375

BTW, I really would love a real review of my lap from the "Big Boys" (if they agree to share their knowledges).
There's still 7 days to go and I don't want to leave Grand Valley and my Road Runner :D
Jeddah, I'm coming for you now...:mischievous:

and you know what? I'm....
Sarcastic Cartoon GIF
You weren't supposed to do that.
Uff, so many things to say but better to keep it brief and try to stay cool. For me personally, the 190 E at Gardens was simply the worst Gran Turismo experience I’ve ever had since playing GT3. I think so. I try but I truly can’t recall anything worse. Or maybe one of. Past experiences may have been suppressed but this was excruciating. I think Gardens is a an awful track (a 1/10 rating), that chicane with the sausages is just pathetic. The car (or boat) was quite horrifying. Sadly. I would’ve preferred to take a liking to it as I do like Mercedes in general but the handling didn’t work for me at all. A 1’51 ended up being the goal but didn’t manage it. Just outside by 0,017.

Meh. In retrospect I wish I had done something more valuable and fun with the Tuesday and Wednesday evenings instead of wasting them on this. Could’ve listened to music or watched films. Played something more fun. Spent more time with girlfriend. Should keep this in mind going forward.
Guys, congratz on your awesome lap times!

I really really wish I had this drive to keep on pushing over the same thing. In this case, the online TT. As soon as I find a comfortable result or hit the first roadblock I just leave the TT. And then I move onto something else in the game 😃

But your posts here are indeed role model examples of perseverance! They are motivational as well!
I’m somewhat surprised and/or impressed, can’t quite decide which or both at how much some keep going. In contrast my motivation is in a more of a downward spiral.
Wow, absolutely stunning! My optimal has promised me a low 1:18.5 as well, so I'll try to fight back, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow as I just came back from a night out in the pub. And guys, if you need any convincing that drinking and driving is a bad idea, just attempt a GT7 time trial after some beers. :D It's frightening how much your reflexes suffer. Or at least mine do anyway.

Awesome time man!

I would never consider myself one of the "Big Boys", but I give you my two cents anyway: first of all, it's a very very smooth lap. As much as I've been an advocate for AT, I think you're beginning to approach the limits of what's possible with it. S1 almost certainly can be taken faster if you stay in 2nd gear after T1, which AT does not allow you to. Nevertheless, 28.153 is definitely an S1 time that can get you easily into the 1:18 region. In fact take a look at this lap from my stint yesterday where I pretty much botched S1.

View attachment 1332465

I guess getting off the throttle shortly after the first turn in S2 costs you perhaps a tenth, maybe more. Be brave! :) But the biggest potential gain I see in the final turn. As you say yourself, this was a pretty safe attempt. You could have stepped on the throttle a bit earlier and use more of the track on the exit. Again I feel that this is easier when shifting down to 2nd gear mid-corner, but I don't think it's crucial here.

What's definitely the case is that the margins on this track are so small that there is no use in playing it safe for the last corner if you have a good S2 time. You need to nail every single corner. And since the lap is so short, for me personally it's not really a source of frustration if it doesn't work. Just try again.
You Got This Go Get Em GIF by Shalita Grant
Vielen Danke, my friend!!

Your feedback is exactly what I'm expecting to read here.

I agree and I'm aware, the difference between my score and yours is not "the AT excuse" but my skills (or my "errors" here and there) that costs me tenths.
So enter the "1:18 zone" is obviously doable in AT, even for me if I improve my skills and I eliminate/reduce my errors. And that's precisely why I've requested feedbacks from "big boys" (don't blush^^).

Clearly, S1 could be faster (the apex just after the 1st tunnel is far from perfect but not fun as yours^^). But I agree, 28.1xx is enough to enter "1:18 Club" and I would love to reproduce this score on every next attemps.

I agree also on S2. If I compare to my previous best S2 (21.295) or to yours (21.195), there are minimum 2 tenths to gain here. That's huge...

And definitly 2 others tenths to save on S3 where the final virage is a real score killer. I have no shame to admit I was a bit scared to botcher mine and I only wanted to preserve my advance.

I feel absolutly no frustration by missing or invalidating a lap (I've done near 70 yesterday, many in red). Because the circuit is short, because the car is fun, because my gold score is "probably" safe now, the next lap is nothing but another opportunity to have fun and to improve myself.

Merci Monsieur @crome :cheers:

You weren't supposed to do that.
No I wasn't and I'm not supposed to apologize to give your many opportunities to improve your PB ;) Challenge accepted?

Also keep in mind:
Oscar Wilde
One should always be a little improbable
I was able to make a little more time to put in some laps at Dragon Trail today. Last week I only put in a few to get a tentative gold, but that 1:53.934 didn't hold up for long. Today I was able to knock that down to a 1:52.937 over the course of about thirty or so laps, haha.

This TT was super fun, but also very tough with how loose the car is and how much that can be exploited in a fast run. I love oversteer, but it is definitely not conducive to fast times, so striking that balance here is important... and hard. I love how hard the 190 can be pushed into oversteer and stay manageable. It rewards a ton of steering input, and makes for a very exciting drive at pretty much every moment.

It seemed like I could improve by a couple hundredths and tenths each lap, but it's still far from solid. There is still so much time out there and I just don't have the time to keep plugging away at this one.

Here's my last 7ish lap session and a replay of the fastest lap.

And here is some bonus pics of how the 190 looks in an undriveable stance, and my real life 500SE AMG that inspired the color combo.

Mercedes EVO.jpg

Mercedes 500SE.jpg
Well I wave the white flag! I had some things come up yesterday, I had to take my cousin's dog to the vet plus I had to run a couple more errands so I was not able to improve my time at DTG. Well I did my best, 1'57.199. I didn't push enough to earn silver. So, I just have to accept what I can do and what I can't.

I'm wondering where the new TT will take place. I hope it's not St. Croix or Michelin Raceway. I hope it's an easy one at the Daytona oval track or the High Speed Ring. I'm usually good at those tracks.

EDIT: Laguna Seca is another place I hope it's not at. I had a time with that Corvette challenge back in the summer.
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OMG! Another Red Bull Ring TT. Let's get the heat cranked up, this should be good! Durn I hope I'm not racking up invalidated lap times here! The Mitsubishi should be a pleasant road car to drive around here.

Good luck to all of you!
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