Tire switching problem?


Vinyl Addict
United States
I can't change tires I've purchased! I have R: H, M, & S for my Stealth McLaren and cannot put in a different set! I'm at the Garage in Machine Settings, (or even at the track), click on Tires, then click on the tires, shows the list of three, and there is no option to change them.

This has to be a bug!!!
You can change the tyres in the Driving Options menu, the same place were you can change traction control and ABS settings.
clever glenn! only had this problem in the last couple of hours though. i've changed tyres loads of times over the last couple of days, it seemed to have started after i changed from racing softs to hard sports for my first try at the b spec mode. anyone else found the same?
I've noticed that after getting in the car after B-spec racing the Granville in automatic and whatever crap tires he was forced to use.