To Import Or Not To Import - That is the Question

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
Ahhhh, Shakespear's most famous split infinitive.

Well, just arrived in the post this morning is my NTSC/J PS2 and GT4. So, I'm here to answer a few questions.

How long did it take to arrive?:
I ordered on 27th December. It arrived this morning (4/1/05), having had a weekend and at least three bank holidays in the way. That's THREE working days from Hong Kong to my doorstep, via Cologne. Not bad, eh?

How much did it cost?:
It cost me exactly the same as it would in the shop down the road. The console was marginally cheaper, the game was marginally more expensive. Postage made it up to the difference.

What about Import duty?:
Tough one to answer this. If you're lucky, you won't be charged import duty. If you're unlucky, you will. This will cost about £20, depending on the exchange rates at the time you bought it. But remember, if you don't get charged import duty, you have a legal obligation to inform your local Customs & Excise (or regional equivalent), or face possible fraud charges. Seriously.

So. Power requirements?:
The new style PSTwo has an external power module. This will accept 110V-240V AC at 50Hz OR 60Hz and step it down to 8.5V DC. Power compatibility is not an issue. Mine also came with a 2-3 pin plug adapter, so that wasn't an issue either.

And the TV?
Ah, yes. Obviously you're going to need a TV capable of receiving, processing and displaying signals from an NTSC input. These needn't be super-expensive, but they're unlikely to be super-cheap. Most TFTs should be capable, but unless it shouts out that it's NTSC compatible, it probably isn't. Check your TV's instruction book fully first.

Instruction book... Symbols... Aaaaaaaargh!
Nope. Half of the instruction book (well, all of it, but one half of the volume) is in Chinese. The front half is in English.

So, the game...
Not played it yet... :D I'm so magnanimous.

Well? Impressions?
I don't do impressions.

The game comes in a big, THICK, bundle. We're talking LOTR special edition thick. The front half is the game. The back half is a Reference Guide, which is so thick you could use it to beat seals to death.

Reference Guide?
Yes. It's big, thick and glossy. It contains a page each on most of the tracks available from the start, a page each on most of the vehicles available from the start (in full technicolour - it really is a nice piece of work) and the obligatory driving/drifiting/parts/tuning guides.

Cool. I guess that's in English, like the PS2 instructions?
Errrrr... Guess again.

Still, it looks nice...

Hmm. Well, importing. Is it worth it?
Oh yes.



Any further questions regarding importing? Feel free to ask me - either here or by PM. Now, I'm off to play GT4.
That reference guide is fat. Or maybe phat?

I'm too cheap to import one. It just seems like such a waste of money to have to either mod my PS2 or import a third PS2, since GT is basically the only game I bother with anymore.. And I would find it very dissapointing to have half (or all) the game screens and instruction manual in Chinese or Japanese.

Have fun playing. I'm very jealous.:cheers:
Considering the fact that you have the game and I'm 3 months away from getting a PAL version, could you please answer some questions.

What is the menu music like?

Is the speedometer in the bottom right the same as prologue (hope not!) or like GT3?

Is there a paint shop?

Have you tried drift mode?

Nice report but you didn't mention what type of postage you used :)

Although importing it is tempting I think I'll wait, I doubt I'll be able to tell whats going on with a NTSC-J copy anyway :scared: So I hope it comes out in Feb (prepare to see me in Feb shaking my fists angrily when it gets delayed, again.)

Oh yeah I also don't want to credit PD by buying 2 copies, in my opinion they don't deserve it unless the game meets everyone of my expectations, which it doesn't since theres no online...
Nice report but you didn't mention what type of postage you used :)

Although importing it is tempting I think I'll wait, I doubt I'll be able to tell whats going on with a NTSC-J copy anyway :scared: So I hope it comes out in Feb (prepare to see me in Feb shaking my fists angrily when it gets delayed, again.)

Oh yeah I also don't want to credit PD by buying 2 copies, in my opinion they don't deserve it unless the game meets everyone of my expectations, which it doesn't since theres no online...

I'm hoping i am as lucky as you!! :) I ordered from play-asia on the 2nd January at about 3:40pm GMT, so middle of the night there! lol, was shipped and in transit y the time i got up on th third, spent all day today hoping to get lucky, heh, 4:21pm and still nothing :( I'm hoping it'll be here weds or thurs at the long outsider. :)

Looking forwward to it, cost me $90.10 US or £45.00approx UK, with 2-3day express shipping & delivery to England via UPS :)

Wish me luck, guess i'll finish San Andreas while i wait & read this board over & over :)
The many great and positive posts about this game made me import the game as well. While I *really* tried to convince myself on beforehand that waiting 2-3 months isn't that much. In a lifetime :D

Anyhow, ordered at 7.30 AM today and it shipped today as well. So it's in UPS's hands now! Hopefully arrives Thursday, i'll be playing a LOT outside working hours. And at night hehehe.
Oh I thought about getting GT4 and a Japanese PS2. But I chose not to simply because I can only imagine playing one game on it...GT4. Perhaps Tekken 5.
But £150-ish for the PS2 and one game? Nah..that would be irresponsible of me considering I already got a US PS2 last month. At least with a US PS2 I can get a fair amount of games early and in English (FFXII springs to mind).

But I am impressed with the slim PS2....tiny! And no need for a step-down converter! I'll wait for GT4 to come out in the US unless the PAL version is either fully optomised (unlikely) or comes with the 60hz option.

However, I am green with envy! Have fun!
With any luck, they'll still have the "bundle" when it's released outside Japan (with the big reference guide and all the other stuff in the big-ass slipcase). But knowing SCEA, we'll probably get just the game and user's manual in a normal keep case. Cheap bastards.
sweet man....just got mine yesterday, ordered it dec 29th....but i'm still waiting to get my ps2 chipped, should get it today in the afternoon, and i've already "read" through the reference guide three times so im really getting antsy
I really want a thin PS2, but I dont really have a justifyable reason to buy one...... :guilty:

When it comes to the uk it better have all the cool box and booklet stuff!!! :scared: .....I don't think GT3 came to here with the cool book.....Luckly I got mine in Japan and it had a similar reference guide.....
I never tought of importing one. I'll be waiting because buying the game iself, then mod my PS2 and get a TV that works with it is too much for me and also because what I heard of the game up to now leaves a little sour taste in my mouth. I almost regret having preordered my copy already. I'm more thinkin' of buying it when it comes down to 30 bucks now. So I surely won't buy the game two times and being stuck with chinese or Japanese writings.

See ya :sly:
With any luck, they'll still have the "bundle" when it's released outside Japan (with the big reference guide and all the other stuff in the big-ass slipcase). But knowing SCEA, we'll probably get just the game and user's manual in a normal keep case. Cheap bastards.

this could actually happen, since christmas is gone another sellout of slim ps2's is highly unlikely. so adding GT4 to the deal might help sales a lot (and it's not like they give it for free, it's still about 30 bucks more expensive than the one with out the game.)

but, i'm not getting my hopes up... i'm getting the import version anyway, but eventually i'll get the new slim PS2 with GT4 because of LAN play. lots of cash yes, but considering i won't be buying any other game this year, it doesn't look that bad...
I'm not talking about the PS2 bundle, I'm referring to what Famine described as the "LOTR Special Edition" sized DVD box that the game by itself comes in. I don't know what you'd call it other than "bundle". I just can't see SCEA spending the extra money to print up all those huge books when they can just sell them separately and call it a "game guide".
Race Idiot

:) 👍 .......the proof of a true GT FAN! Bet PD love you! :lol:.........BUT!!

There's something missing... :eek:

The GT3 reference book! don't know if they were ever released outside of Japan :) 👍


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:) 👍 .......the proof of a true GT FAN! Bet PD love you! :lol:.........BUT!!

There's something missing... :eek:

The GT3 reference book! don't know if they were ever released outside of Japan :) 👍

I bet they don't love me, the Japanese GT2/3/C and the American 3 were all £5 second hand. Actually the price tag is still on the American GT3.

The best Bargain was the Japanese GT1 though, cost me one pound although the case is in bad condition and the disc needed polishing out.

My Japanese GT3 never came with a reference book?
Nope. :guilty:
Ahhhh, Shakespear's most famous split infinitive.

- "Shhh. It's ok, he's got GT4 now - let him be."
- "Yeah, but he sa ... "
- "I know, cool down. It's A O K ... "
- "But I studied ... "
- "Look, shut up! Shhhh. Zippit. Cue scene from Austin Powers!"
- "Oh, ok."
- "Good boy."
- "Now promise you'll let it be. Promise!"
- "Ok, I'll promise to kindly not bother him about it."
- "You assh*le."
- "I know. But then, I don't have GT4."
- "Yet, anyway."
- "Right."
Shakespear never wrote his own name with the additional E.

My first impressions are NOT good.

The intro sequence is pleasant, but the footsteps of the pitcrew are so shoddily done it made my eyes bleed. In replay mode the cars seem totally separate to the track, rather than being part of the same image. The camera on rolling starts shakes periodically - for no reason at all. The new chase view camera is too tight to the car - the scenery moves about rather than the car. This may be adjustable, but my prowess with menus is a little off currently (ad hoc translations are not a speciality). The DS2 seems too responsive - as if the D-pad really IS a digital pad. This will be resolved when the computer room is finished... :D Chase view also has no tachometer at all - just a speedo and what appears to be a "speed meter".

And as for having all of the cars and tracks "from previous GT games", as claimed in the FAQ at the top of this forum...

On the upside, the Nurburgring is nice - if a little narrower than the impression I got from Richard Ince's R500 video. The cars all look pretty (apart from the 206, which has a mutated front end, and the Volvo 240, which has a mutated boot). The driving physics have been altered from Prologue's - FFs in particular now handle a lot more like they ought to.

I've yet to explore a great deal of the game. You all know what I'm like with stats, and some of the menus give me a headache... It has the potential, just with the cars and tracks, to make me forget GT3 ever existed, but the crap chase view and hyper-sensitive DS2 are just tainting it a bit for me at the moment.

The new PS2 is dinky and fabulous... :D
Well, you know me. I'm kinda tough to please. Having played it a little I can now see the potential of the game - that even without the online mode it could be great.

Still, hopefully once it's up in the computer room, hooked into everything else - including the DFP - all will be well with the world....

*downloads all of maskrider's screen translations*
Shakespear never wrote his own name with the additional E.

My first impressions are NOT good.

pimp racer
WOW I hope that changes REALLY REALLY SOON!
Doubt it. Shakespeare will never spell his name with the additional e. (unlike me)

DFP will make all the difference, and you'll just have to get used to driving from inside* the car

* I know it's maybe not inside, probably a bonnet/front bumper view, but you know what I mean