Toe in or toe out???

  • Thread starter Gupster74
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So i'd like as many people to post their opinions here as possible as i'd like to see what the most popular set up is.
Do you, as a rule, set your cars up with toe in or toe out??? I see that PD's default racing suspension setting is 0.00/0.20. front/rear. I tried my mazda mx5 with slight toe IN at the rear -0.05 and -0.20 front and that thing flew around the corners at Tsukuba, yet when I tried the same with the ZR1 RM at Indy it seemed to be worse??
I understand that toe out gives better initial turn in but more understeer under power exiting corners and toe in does the opposite but is there such a thing as an 'Ideal' base setting to test from????
No:1 This is just a link to a tuning thread, not a specific thread on members toe settings and No:2 GT5SER, I wasn't askin for rear toe set-up advice, I was askin for members to share with me their own personal favourite setups!!!

All I can say to that is, READ THE WHOLE THREAD. Not just the header.
No:1 This is just a link to a tuning thread, not a specific thread on members toe settings

Can't get anything by you.
But, let's pretend, just for a second, that in the thread...
that it possessed every tuning garage's link.
And that every single one of those threads, possessed all of the tunes they've ever made.
Then, lets pretend that every single one of those tunes, probably has a toe setting.
Then let's pretend you weren't illiterate, and that you could visually see all of those toe settings across a global aspect of driving and tuning styles.
Furthermore let's pretend that people reviewed said tunes and gave feedback on them about the cars tendencies...
Now, open your eyes.

No... really... open your eyes.
Being new to this, I admit looking back at my OP, it appears like I haven't put in any effort looking so I apologise for offending your sensibilities guys. I have little time to spare day to day so I tend to rush through the forums rather than read them in-depth. Thanks for your patience, friendliness and above all understanding with this dumb-ass newbie!!! (hope my new speech-to-text wonder machine has spelt all this correctly, what with me being illiterate and all tht :-( )
Come on... Give the guy a break! The guy doesn't have much time to play much less post something on the forum. Geez! Sigh...
Come on... Give the guy a break! The guy doesn't have much time to play much less post something on the forum. Geez! Sigh...

I gave him a break, when I gave him the link without saying anything rude or snide. But when you click on a link and immediately close it, because it didn't hold your hand and shove your nose directly into every answer you ever wanted and then have the audacity to come back and complain with some smart ass comment about how that isn't what you wanted, when in fact it is... Then you get no breaks.
You should go take a nap if you are going to disrespect new members, there is no reason for you to be such a sarcastic E-Thug. Anyway. It looks like the OP gets the general theory of toe in/toe out and it's effects, I personally always go to 0.00/0.00 with all cars and adjust from there. And to be quite honest, most of the cars act much better with 0.00/0.00 on a typical course. Ovals and High Speed tracks as well as banked turns don't necessarily apply to that setup though.
I gave him a break, when I gave him the link without saying anything rude or snide. But when you click on a link and immediately close it, because it didn't hold your hand and shove your nose directly into every answer you ever wanted and then have the audacity to come back and complain with some smart ass comment about how that isn't what you wanted, when in fact it is... Then you get no breaks.

+2 on that. I've posted a thread that's right below this one that talks about the same thing. You people really need to learn to read! Here's the link ONE MORE TIME!

- Jeramy
Toe in or toe out??? ?
Whoooo, hokey cokey cokey!

Anyway, use the thread GT5ser posted. We don't need any more threads on toe as the same info will just end up being posted in both.
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