Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3

  • Thread starter Chaos Fire
Game Play: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 10/10
Options: 10/10

This game is amazing. You can tell the difference between engine sounds. It's crazy game play with a turbo option! I say this game is worht buying! It only costs 20 bucks! I recommend it strongly to everyone.
I think what he meant to say was

This game has so many more options than the first game its unbelievable (still not on par w/ the options you have in NFS, but its defiently a lot) This time you can choose the material you want your body kits to be made out of. (fiberglass, urethane, or carbon fiber, each more expensive then the last) this lets you choose any stlye body kit you want and have it take off the same amount of weight, rather than choosing the lightest kit there is and having to use that design, like in txr0

theres rain in this one, and racing in the rain is sweet, the car models look MUCH better in this game and have much better reflective properties (you can even ADJUST the reflectiveness of your car), the foglights are actually a lightsource now instead of just looking pasted on like they did in txr0, SO many customizable options, window tint w/ color and transperancy adjustability, different color headlights, turn signals, tail lights, indiglo guages and reverse indiglo (on screen guages, they actually dont change in the car, its still cool tho) even license plate placement! center of bumper, right, left, on the dashboard, or not at all.

Engine sounds are much better as well, the cars sound ABOUT how they should, dont expect gt3 calibur, but they're a definite improvement over txr0. each muffler gives your car a different tone. there are oil and water temp guages now which you must keep an eye on when youre racing, cuz if they go into red your car WILL overheat and smoke will come out of the muffler and you'll just gradually slow down. there are cooling system upgrades to buy tho to help keep the car cooler for longer and they free up a little extra hp and tq too. also if you press the select button during a race, it raises your boost pressure a little bit (in turbo cars) giving you some extra power during a race. HOWEVER this causes your water and oil temp to rise quite dramatically, so you can only do this for maybe one or 2 races in a row, then you need to let the engine cool down a bit. Now theres "Pit Areas" you can pull off into along the highway that you can let your car cool down in, or change your settings and stuff w/out exiting back out to the garage.

you actually get 40,000cr to start off w/ but the car selection in the beginning isnt that great. Physics are a little better than txr0, but they're not perfect. but if i can play txr0 over and over again and not get tired of it, im sure i'll make it thru this one. Every customizable setting option gt3 has, this game has. (ride height, camber, damper, toe, stabilizer, transmission, downforce, brake balance, VCD for 4wd, its all there.

its just a great game, if youre a fan of the series you will definently love this game. If not, well then you should probably stick to NFS. The game does start out slow, but thats the whole point of it. Youre supposed to work your way up the ladder so to speak. Dont expect to just hop in a 60,000 dollar car and throw every available option on it and go flying down the higway at 250mph. I do have a couple gripes about this game tho. for one, even if an opponent challenges you, you still start out behind them. one of my main strategies to win against faster cars in txr0 was to let them challenge me so i could be in front of them when the race started, but not anymore...whats genki trying to do to me, actually make me race?? haha

secondly, the car prices in the game seem a bit.....steep. In fact in general all the parts seem a bit high priced, and the money you recieve from beating oponents doesnt seem like its enough. Even for beating team bosses in this one you barely get like 8,000 dollars for some of them when in TXR0 you get anywhere from like 10-15 grand. Oh well. Overall, this is still a GREAT improvement over TXR0, and as you know, txr0 was great, so that makes this game awesome! hehe I suggest you get it, should have it for like 20 bucks.

I dont know that I'd say its the PERFECT game, but it is definently a great game.
Originally posted by Chaos Fire
Game Play: 10/10
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 10/10
Options: 10/10

This game is amazing. You can tell the difference between engine sounds. It's crazy game play with a turbo option! I say this game is worht buying! It only costs 20 bucks! I recommend it stronglto everyone.
Is this game also referred to as Tokyo Xtreme Race Zero?
Okay, here is my thing, folks.

- I heard the game gets to be slow when racing in the wet.
- I heard there are very few cars (15 to be exact).
- I heard Honda/Acura is surprisingly not in the game.
- I heard the extra cities really look like one another, not so much one city looking different.

The bulk of this comes from random Internet sites, and X-Play's awarding of a "2 out of 5" rating. (By the way, I don't agree with some of X-play's ratings sometimes, it's just a funny show.) So, tell me the truth, as I assume that you all have played this before and I have yet to. I have TXR experience playing TXR0 (and liked it). So, clear what I been hearing online and on TV.
And as a just-for-fun comment, X-play said that in Midnight Club 2 (which got "4 out of 5"), the reviewer Morgan Webb said that Los Angeles and Tokyo kind of look alike. So, that adds to my "I don't really agree with certain comments" deal.
Originally posted by JohnBM01
So, clear what I been hearing online and on TV.
Clear it yourself, rent the game.

1. The cut scenes are choppy in wet weather, not the gameplay.
2. There are more then 15 cars.
3. Acura won't make or break a game.
4. The cities are modeled after actual locations in Japan. When compared to a photo of the real city/area, it is identical.

The only reason X-Play is still on tv, is Morgan.
IDAFC21 = 👍
Chaos Fire 👎

Depth wise this game is almost on par with GT3, the handling is better than expected and the uprgrades = awesome.
Originally posted by JohnBM01
- I heard Honda/Acura is surprisingly not in the game.

Why would you care about those cars? I mean, Its clear they didn't want rice rockets in the game...
Well, maybe some people COMPLAIN about games. And I know because I played "MegaMan: Network Transmission." As a MegaMan fan, I played almost every console MegaMan game. MegaMan NT was, in my view, a somewhat hard game that actually tests your ability to adapt to certain situations and play the game carefully. I mean, the MegaMan series knows consistency. The same shoot-em up, energy stealing thing made Mega a star to begin with. And with his overall collection of MM games coming soon to GameCube, I'll be looking forward to it.

The public, however, had a different opinion. "MM:NT, the hardest MegaMan game ever."

"It's not's just difficult. It just squeaks by with a 2 out of 5." - Morgan Webb of "X-Play"

But with TXR3, people will have their opinions. To me, people make votes based on:

* what new ground does this game attempt to cover?
* how is the game pieced together?
* does it basically have some of the most repetitive elements?
* what glitches does the game have, if any?
* how deep is the repretoire of gameplay options?
* how does the game compare to other games in the same genre and category?

Basically, game reviewers look at games based on an inexperienced gamer who just wants to play the best games of all time, so games that aren't as impressive wouldn't apply to the inexperienced gamer. For example, "Dragonball Z: Budokai" isn't "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution." NCAA Gamebreaker 2004 isn't NCAA Football 2004. Or hell: 1080 Avalanche isn't SSX3.

I'm sorry to go off-tangent, but I just wanted to make that point. Who do you trust in rating games? It's your choice, apparentely. Other reviewers are being suggestive. Same go for magazines.
First off I don't bank on "professional reviewers" from anywhere. I trust people who actually buy the games to play them. People like

As far as Txr3 goes, I have played all the other incarnations since the DC version. To be honest, I'm not sure why I keep coming back to them. This by far the best but after I opened up all the cities I haven't gone back to it. The wheel support makes it a ton more fun but even then I just get tired of the formula.

As far as tuning my car and upgrades and all the jazz. That doesn't really psyche me up either. The painting interface is impossible for me to figure out. I don't have the hours of time it would take to figure that crap out. I'd rather race than paint.

All of that being said this game blows NFS:U away. The longevity I got form TXR3 was 3 times that of NFS.

my 2 cents
Originally posted by 16th&George
All of that being said this game blows NFS:U away. The longevity I got form TXR3 was 3 times that of NFS.

TXR3, just does blow it away. It blows it away, then with the wind that TXR3 puts out. It also comes with fire then it gets stomped on by the Genki Producers.
Only 15 cars? Are you kidding me? Theres probably around 100 liscenced cars,Theres abou 15 cars when you first start.This game is alot more sim then NFSU and in general,Beats the crap out of it.I still find myself coming back to tune up the cars and such and I havn't got 100% complete even though i've owned the game for about 3 months now.

Baisiccly this is like a cross between an RPG,Gran Turismo,And the past TXR games. NFSU is a retarded peice of crap aimed at fanboys,Which is probably why it sells so well.Anyways if there only was 15 cars,Thats not far off from what NFSU had.
Now that I have the game, here is my updated review of the game.

Maybe Morgan Webb was right about most of what she said about TXR3. However, this isn't a flashy racing game. And I did notice some of the translation flaws. The menu music is pretty good, and some of the dance music isn't half-bad. The rock music is a disappointment. The only cars you tend to see on the road are the yellow vans. And the sensitivity of the acceleration is pretty slow. You have to mash down the X button hard to go fast. Nagoya and Osaka look pretty small and unchallenging.

But is this game WORTH the $19.82 plus tax? Well, for fans of the TXR series, I'd say that the game could have been better. However, the multitude of options and car choices are incredible. Almost any aspect of your car can be modified granted you have the cash for it. In some ways, this is more of a Japanese game that is pretty cool, but I'm not going to the point of "simply don't buy this." This game should appeal to street racing fans, even if you don't have the $39.99 or $49.99 to have NFS:U.

And after looking at the box, my apologies. It said "15 different car manufacturers." Now that I have the game, I tried to start in Tokyo, but moving on to other cities, you have fewer rivals to mess with, but with the many straights, you'll need a car that can perform.

So, here is my review sheet (1- = Poor; 10 = outstanding):

Graphics = 9
Sound, SFX = 8
Music = 6.75
Racing = 6.5
Concept = 8
Execution of Concept = 7

BEST FEATURE(S): Customization, incredible graphics, skin editor and low price
WORST FEATURES(S): Sometimes aggressive racing, almost challenging when starting a new game, some of the music, sensitivity issues

VERDICT: If you liked Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero and expected better for TXR3, you are right, but at the expense of some here-and-there issues that get to be a big problem. It's a good game, just that you have to work around some of the early flaws when starting a new game.
About the coolest song I heard in the game is the tune called "Jammin'in The Garage." Kind of pimpy and cool.
I have mine set to MAX as well. But sometimes, you have to GUN it to make it go. And I just played the game for at least an hour or two, so that means that my opinion on any aspect of the game will change the deeper you go. Now, the engine sounds are pretty cool. Never strapped into a Rotary yet, though.
BTW, I think I tried to challenge a Mazda RX-7... but I forgot what the result was. This game has better engine sounds than TXR0. Almost every car sounded the same, but in TXR3, sounds are actually quite noticable. And as a I said, it can be a pain trying to beat an entire gang. First you beat a stocker, then you meet someone that you have to challenge over and over again until you finally get it right (either that or get better cars). Like I'm trying to beat the "Galaxy Racers" group. I won one race, then this Honda Civic wannabe comes out beating me. I rely on the corners and some of the traffic to slow him down, but the son of a b*tch keeps winning over my 300ZX, even with 262hp. If you could unlock the 3000GT early and get it for a good price, you'll win a hell of a lot of races. In fact, this was the car I used to defeat Speed King from TXR0. Then I used Speed King's JGTC-style Skyline to beat White Charisma and the 12 Zodiacs. I didn't complete the game because I haven't played it lately. But I have one more Wanderer to beat.
Originally posted by JohnBM01
Then I used Speed King's JGTC-style Skyline to beat White Charisma and the 12 Zodiacs.

I wish Jintei had that same JGTC Calsonic look to it. I think everyone would like that.
Red Devil (of the 12 Zodiacs) is the ugliest Skyline I ever seen modded. When I seen it, it was pretty ugly. A Skyline with a horn at the front of it and a red light for challenges. Its performance I don't know about, but my favorite Skyline is the one Speed King uses.

More about the game now. This game makes boss battles cooler. The special effects used when you face Dejected Angel give you the sense that you're facing a very important enemy. I noted the golden lines and the blue particle effects when you faced Dejected Angel. When you race in Nagoya, you were foolish enough to race in the snow. Of course, it appears as a glossy highway with light snow falling. I think I even faced off against an Isuzu Vehicross. Too bad you can't earn new cars like you could in Gran Tur... oops. TXR0. So when you beat someone, you don't automatically earn their car unless you face a gang leader, a Wanderer, or a boss. It sucks, but I was hoping you would be able to earn the cars you beat. So, if you beat someone in a Toyota Celica (newer model) and he/she was just a normal gang member, you don't get that car.

Coolest car I recently unlocked: Ford Mustang Mach 1
Originally posted by JohnBM01
Red Devil (of the 12 Zodiacs) is the ugliest Skyline I ever seen modded. When I seen it, it was pretty ugly.

That car was freak'n awesome. You got no taste that thing is great. The performance, I think is greater than Speed Kings Skyline.

Originally posted by JohnBM01
Coolest car I recently unlocked: Ford Mustang Mach 1

Okay, now you have smoked something, I must know.