#Tom Clancy has joined Ghost Recon


MFT Crash Test Dummie
Riverside, Ca
R.I.P., Tom Clancy. I liked your books and even couple of the games, and Hunt for the Red October is a masterpiece even today.
I was about to make this thread. Sad day indeed:(. Didn't play but one game but I loved his books. He is my favorite author and John Clark is my favorite character of any type of entertainment. The last book is coming out this December. RIP, Tom Clancy, you'll be missed.
RIP one of my favorite authors I grew up reading. Every few years I reread Red Storm Rising.

His books were a spring board to me being interested and later joining the Military.
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Loved his work, especially on the subject of modern submarine warfare like "Submarine" and "Hunt for Red October", the book being better than the movie of course.

RIP Tom Clancy, and thank you.
Haven't read any of his books, but I'm a big fan of the H.A.W.X games and I remember loving the Splinter Cell game on PS2.
R.I.P., Tom. I'll read The Sum of All Fears (my personal favorite) again in your honor.
Speaking of which, I'm playing EndWar right now. News came very unexpectedly.

I've enjoyed his books when I was younger(don't read anything anymore :crazy: ). RIP Mr. Clancy.

And atleast he got one last great gem out... The Division. Go look it up so you can pre-order for your PS4. :drool:
I read his books when I was younger, all the graphic murder in those books was great 👍 RIP

Red October was good too.
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I actually just ordered Red Rabbit as I'm reading through the Jack Ryan/John Clack series. He will be missed.

I've got Patriot Games, Hunt For Red October and The Cardinal of the Kremlin on the shelf. GRAW2 and GRFS by my PS3.

Will be missed.
I actually used to play "Red Storm Rising" on my Commodore 64, It's basically a sub simulation with a storyline. It's also one of the first books I've read by Tom Clancy.
RIP Tom, loved his books and attention to detail. You will be missed. Rainbow Six was the first book that got me hooked.

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