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thats what the "performance" world is turing into. My stupid, stupid, generation is doing it too. Im ashamed. Ya just stand at an auto show and scream" speakers, body kits, and painted flames dont make you go ANY faster!" I dont care too much for the import movement, or other ricey-cars(hey, thats what tehre called), but i have respect for the ones that ARE actually fast.
What brought this on?
I was helping my brother move into his new apartment, an directly across from his parking row is a newer chevy truck sittin there. Its white, with flames, clear tailights, chorme wheel(the wheels were nice) and primered custom tailgate and bumper. lowerd by about 2 or 3 coils, im guessing, for an even stance. You could tell he had the stock tail pipe form a Vortech welded on the stock V-6 pipe. How did I know it was a 6? well, for those of you gearheads, you may have noticed the distinct intake wine a 4.3 Vortech makes. I was lookin at the truck, and he was lookin at mine. Me and my brother were going back to get another load of stuff form where hes leaving. My brother gets out of his Jimmy and come up to my truck to tell me we pcikin up a load from somewhere else first. then he says, "waste him", as i reminded him of the 4.3 wine, as thats what hes got in his Jimmy. The guy had still been lokin at me, so i start it up and let the glass-pac muffler do the rest. the guy backed out and left. Either he knew I could burn him, or he dodn t know and was gettin ready to get burned.i back out and start to catch up to him, i wasnt planning on racing, but as i pulled out of my space with a loud, violent sctrach(A.K.A. near burn out, the sound it makes) and the other truck leaves. was lauging too hard to to drive, so i stopped and the other truck left the place. he was goning the other way anyway.
My point? he looked faster than he was even close to being.
What brought this on?
I was helping my brother move into his new apartment, an directly across from his parking row is a newer chevy truck sittin there. Its white, with flames, clear tailights, chorme wheel(the wheels were nice) and primered custom tailgate and bumper. lowerd by about 2 or 3 coils, im guessing, for an even stance. You could tell he had the stock tail pipe form a Vortech welded on the stock V-6 pipe. How did I know it was a 6? well, for those of you gearheads, you may have noticed the distinct intake wine a 4.3 Vortech makes. I was lookin at the truck, and he was lookin at mine. Me and my brother were going back to get another load of stuff form where hes leaving. My brother gets out of his Jimmy and come up to my truck to tell me we pcikin up a load from somewhere else first. then he says, "waste him", as i reminded him of the 4.3 wine, as thats what hes got in his Jimmy. The guy had still been lokin at me, so i start it up and let the glass-pac muffler do the rest. the guy backed out and left. Either he knew I could burn him, or he dodn t know and was gettin ready to get burned.i back out and start to catch up to him, i wasnt planning on racing, but as i pulled out of my space with a loud, violent sctrach(A.K.A. near burn out, the sound it makes) and the other truck leaves. was lauging too hard to to drive, so i stopped and the other truck left the place. he was goning the other way anyway.
My point? he looked faster than he was even close to being.