Tools to track your Circuit Experiences progression

  • Thread starter Pesselles


Pic provided by GOD himself
If you ever wondered what sectors/full laps still need to be golded in CEs, so you've probably faced the same issue as many of us: open each CE track, again and again... :guilty:

To track my progression on CEs in GT7, I've created my own "Circuit Experiences Dashboard" - with Spreadsheet - to have a better overview of the remaining CEs to complete. As it might be useful to some others GT7 players, I share it with you.
The aim of this tool is to give a clear and immediate vision of the sectors and laps still in bronze or silver.

On each tab (one per continent), all the 48 circuit experiences are listed with:
  • the name of the circuit
  • the car to drive
  • and a cell for each sector and the full lap.

The cells's backgrounds colors changed based on the time you indicate: bronze, silver, gold, or red if you're over bronze.

To use this tool, simply create your copy in your Google Drive and you're done.

Link: Circuit experiences dashboard



My friend @Lomic created also its own tool, with a different approach.

Just need to check each sector box.
If checkbox checked, the cell's background change to gold.
% of completion of a CE depends on the number of checked checkboxes / total number of checkboxes. This percentage is different as the one indicated in game.

If % completion of one CE reaches 100%, cell background changes to gold.
% completion of one region adds all CE % from said region / number of CEs
When regional % reaches 100% the cell's background turns to gold.
Same for World.

To use this tool, simply create your copy in your Google Drive and you're done.

Link: CE GT7 by Lomic



If you have created your own tool to track your CEs progression, feel free to share it in the comments below and I'll add it to this post.

Enjoy, have fun, and May the 4th be with you!
If you ever wondered what sectors/full laps still need to be golded in CEs, so you've probably faced the same issue as many of us: open each CE track, again and again... :guilty:

To track my progression on CEs in GT7, I've created my own "Circuit Experiences Dashboard" - with Spreadsheet - to have a better overview of the remaining CEs to complete. As it might be useful to some others GT7 players, I share it with you.
The aim of this tool is to give a clear and immediate vision of the sectors and laps still in bronze or silver.

On each tab (one per continent), all the 48 circuit experiences are listed with:
  • the name of the circuit
  • the car to drive
  • and a cell for each sector and the full lap.

The cells's backgrounds colors changed based on the time you indicate: bronze, silver, gold, or red if you're over bronze.

To use this tool, simply create your copy in your Google Drive and you're done.

Link: Circuit experiences dashboard

View attachment 1313534


My friend @Lomic created also its own tool, with a different approach.

Just need to check each sector box.
If checkbox checked, the cell's background change to gold.
% of completion of a CE depends on the number of checked checkboxes / total number of checkboxes. This percentage is different as the one indicated in game.

If % completion of one CE reaches 100%, cell background changes to gold.
% completion of one region adds all CE % from said region / number of CEs
When regional % reaches 100% the cell's background turns to gold.
Same for World.

To use this tool, simply create your copy in your Google Drive and you're done.

Link: CE GT7 by Lomic

View attachment 1313535


If you have created your own tool to track your CEs progression, feel free to share it in the comments below and I'll add it to this post.

Enjoy, have fun, and May the 4th be with you!
Great Idea, mon ami! Honestly I only care about gold and don't come back to beat your time. Maybe I will If there will more racing time again... Merry Christmas to you and everyone at GTPlanet! The race will go on...
Vielen Dank my friend :) I'm glad to help, after being helpt so much by so many friends here.

I'm also only focused on CEs gold (and if possible with a better time than your).
I've learn a lot on GT7 driving with these CEs and I strongly encourage everyone to get gold and to improve their CEs times.

Season's Greetings!!
Thank you, this is a general view of CE progress that is missing from the game 👍

87% world
100% Europe
84% Asia-Pacific
73% America
Yes exactly and that's why some players have created their own "tool".

WOW 100% Europe is a great acheivement, probably the hardest one !!
Yes exactly and that's why some players have created their own "tool".

WOW 100% Europe is a great acheivement, probably the hardest one !!
Thanks! Yes maybe Nordschleife and some others but for me the worst are the dirt (and snow) tracks in USA. Also having difficulties with Tokio.
This percentage is different as the one indicated in game.
Yep, the percentage is based on the number of sectors/full lap on gold VS those not golded yet. It does not take into account bronze or silver nor differentiate between sectors and full lap, "Full lap" is viewed as another sector.

I could push a bit further by giving to full lap the same weight as all the sectors. Like if CE has 2 sectors + full lap, if you've golded 2 sectors but not full lap, you get 50%. Instead of 66% as of now. Same example with a CE with 5 sectors, if 3 are golded, and full lap "weighs" half of the percentage, you'd be at 30% not 50% like with the current calculation method.
Yep, the percentage is based on the number of sectors/full lap on gold VS those not golded yet. It does not take into account bronze or silver nor differentiate between sectors and full lap, "Full lap" is viewed as another sector.

I could push a bit further by giving to full lap the same weight as all the sectors. Like if CE has 2 sectors + full lap, if you've golded 2 sectors but not full lap, you get 50%. Instead of 66% as of now. Same example with a CE with 5 sectors, if 3 are golded, and full lap "weighs" half of the percentage, you'd be at 30% not 50% like with the current calculation method.
Of course you can always improve it but I think, and based on the approach you had, your tool is fine this way.
Of course you can always improve it but I think, and based on the approach you had, your tool is fine this way.
yes and to update the calculation method would be quite time consuming, for my needs it is more than ok
Great effort.

I hope that they integrate a CE overview at some point just like the race overview they recently added. They could make it accessible via the dashboard. You could navigate to the dashboard element showing your overall CE progress and then click on it to open the detailed overview.
Great effort.

I hope that they integrate a CE overview at some point just like the race overview they recently added. They could make it accessible via the dashboard. You could navigate to the dashboard element showing your overall CE progress and then click on it to open the detailed overview.
Vielen dank :)

Yes, that would be great if we could have such dashboard to track our CE progression. In the meantime, we must use our own "home made tools".