Top Speed Question

How come whenever I add a turbo kit my top speed decreases? For example, I used to have a Lancer with all turbos mad acceleration but cuts @ 125! That sucks. So I sold it and got a Nismo, tested top speed @ stock it can go 180+ but when I turbo charged it the **** can't even get pass 179 and start decreasing speed. I didn't give up and brought an E55 AMG tested @ stock, goes as far as 184+, turbo charged it, can't even get pass 174! Money wasted and less top speed. Any way to keep a stock top speed with turbo?
Yep, you need the racing tranny a\nd to widen the ratio's to get more speed, also top speed isn't everything, on tight tracks it's best to sacrifice top speed for acceleration.
adding a turbo kit and increasing the power of you car increases your top speed as long as the gearing allows it, it never ever ever EVER reduces it. you must be doing something wrong if you think your cars are going slower with a turbo.

I was going to add as well, there are very very few cars you can actually turbocharge in Gt2. if it's turbo already you can stick a bigger turbo on it, but you can't add a turbo to nearly all the factory non-turbo cars. i think one of the elises is one of the very few exception i've found.
in theory if you add HP your top speed will increase. however if your powerband is severely impaired, which cannot be the case in GT2 as it is always optimalizing the engine settings, you will lose top speed. For instance, if you make the max power at 3000 rpm, then wen the engine's running at 6000, where the power at?!?
true vette, if you ****ed your power band it could impair your top speed. in gt2 it doesn't happen though. so in short. if you're turbocharging something ,and it goes slower, you're doing something wrong.