Yeah I know all these pics are broken in older posts. Edit: And, as it turns out, this one too apparently even after trying two different image hosting sites, so I'm probably not going to bother with this thread anymore so ignore everything after this.
But my dumb ass also always gets lost, so...
But you still can't hear anything when someone sits in the passenger seat, so...
Audio probably as good as it can ever be in a C4 without filling it with sound deadening.
But it's still kind of dark in the car. I wish the interior panels were color coded like in 1993 and back...
I know, I'll buy some broken ones and glue them back together!
As it turns out, what a stupid idea!
Screw it I'll just paint the ones I had.
(After spending nearly $200 on paint and various other ancillaries plus bad hoop panel I ultimately threw out I realized new tan ones are available for only ~$150)
Oh great I left the cylinder cover on the front wheel and ran it over.
That'll be another $90!
I hate this terrible pickup truck shifter.
Much better.
I don't like that Android Auto doesn't work because I never bothered running the parking brake wire. Also now I want a backup camera.
Now I need a light for the licence plate.
I hate that the engine bay is always filthy.
I hate this torn-up original headliner.
I hate this 🤬 powered antenna.
I'll spend 5 hours working on it. And then the motor will blow completely apart the second time I drive the car.
That looks stupid; I don't care what the NSX guys say.
I'm not Burt Reynolds.
There we go.
I hate that the cornering lamps retain more water than a bucket.
I hate that I'm going on vacation in one day and nothing bad has happened.
(Ayeka = flat tire. Volkswagen + battery died as I stopped for gas on way to get a new battery. In the past two days)
Shave a bit of that off...
And there. Group 78 fits now.
Pretty much.
Smol battery and smol front tires for size comparison.
I hate that I haven't done anything truly, outrageously tacky with this car yet...
And that's 2018 for Ryoko.