Totaly n00b question(s)

Okay, I admit to being a complete noob, and I have two very nooby questions! :dunce: I have tried searching the forums, but I couldn't find anything to address these issues.

1) In some of my cars, namely my Nissan R92CP, when accelerating in second gear or so my RPM meter tends to "bounce" a bit. What is causing this, is it a problem, and if so how do I fix it?

2) When accelerating sometimes my car will kind of shudder back and forth for a couple seconds, then it seems to calm down and everything is fine. This is also happening on my R92CP. I'm using the black version, and yes I did the rigidity refresher plan. How can I stop my car from doing this?

I would appreciate any help people could give me, GT4 is my first experience with a GT game, so I have no idea what I'm doing! ^_^
it could be that the road is a bit rocky or not paved as well therefore not completely flat. ur spirings are probably set too high,so when those 2 combine they dont mix. post us ur settings and well check it out. try to lower ur spring settings and maybe even increase ur ride height by a bit. if tcs is on, this also happens. sometimes the gears are set as to have huge accel. the point of tcs is to limit how much u accelerate ur car because either ur car cant handle it, u cant, or the tires cant. so by increasing tcs u make it skip a bit. like i said, the gear settings and the tcs combo makes my minolta skip in the high rpms in 3rd gear too, its just the way it was made. also change the compounf od ur tires to a softer tired, which increases ur grip. otherwise, i must emphasis the fact that new members who seek answers to questions about cars must post their current settings.

good luck

Whoops, sorry about that, I feel asleep while Bob was racing... Anyway these are my settings:

Front 3
Rear 3

SR: 14.8/15.8
RH: 65/65
SB: 7/8
SR: 8/9
CA: 2.5/1.5
TA: 1/1
S: 4/3

Auto: 17
1st: 3.568
2nd: 2.182
3rd: 1.494
4th: 1.088
5th: 0.843
Final: 2.870

IT: 10
LSA: 40
LSD: 15

Downforce: 63/88

Driving Aids:
Over: 2
Under: 2
TCS: 3

I was following a tuning guide, but I cannot remember which one...
And now I have ANOTHER problem...

On my Formula Gran Turismo, at high speed turns and on high speed braking, I lose control over the back end of the car, it feels like the back of the car is slipping out from under the downforce or something. I must be doing something VERY wrong when tuning my cars... :guilty:

Whatever the problem is, it is absolutely KILLING my tires.

BB: 3/3

SR: 17.4/17.5
RH: 50/50
SB: 6/6
SR: 8/8
CA: 2/1
TA: 1/-2

Auto: 16
1st: 6.865
2nd: 4.635
3rd: 3.399
4th: 2.592
5th: 2.055
6th: 1.695
7th: 1.453
Final: 4.212

Driving Aids:
Over: 3
Under: 3
TCS: 4

IT: 15
LSA: 40
LSD: 30

Once again, I'd appreciate any help or advice! :)
ur toe, no front toe, tcs needs to be changed, im not sure as of right now, but f1 cars react differently to tcs, so mines pretty high. i wouldnt mind if u posted the lowest ride height, cuz maybe ur too low and with the downforce it may be causing u to scrape the wheel cover thingy with ur tires therefore making it go
"offbeat" and making ur car go nuts on the road. it may also be that the roads a bit bumpy.

but then my stupid-ass starts to go off subject. i would say to increase ur brakes, i believe mine is 9/9 or so, that may help, or probably pur more of the breaking on the front as to not make u skid

thats my 2 cents

Okay, I removed the front toe, changed braking to 7/7 (8/8 and 9/9 were casuing "chirping") and turned my TCS to 9. This car now handles like a dream, and I am completely pummelling the competition in the Gran Turismo World Champinship. Thank you for your help!!! :sly: 👍