JrDarknesI woudnt mind if someone could get me a good tune for these cars
If you like RKM I think their NSX tune is a good place to start. Pariano I think has a FT-86, if not I'm working on one, soon to be released.
AssassinTunerIf you like RKM I think their NSX tune is a good place to start. Pariano I think has a FT-86, if not I'm working on one, soon to be released.
JrDarknesThey dont have the older model tune though (nsx) i used rkm newer model already and praino doesnt have regular ft-86 tune or i would of made a video review
AssassinTunerAs for the FT-86, I guess wait a bit Praiano (I'm dyslectic bro and I can't see it properly, no disrespect in misspellings, I have to rely on spell check.) might drop one or wait for me to do one when I'm done with the Sport.
Took me 4 tries, but I think I got it right.
JackthaladI have one for the NSX, but i'm guessing you didnt like it I remember you trying it.