Well, I hate to say this, but there are too many of Protege 5 copy cats now......the Matrix, the Vibe(same as Matrix), Suzuki Aerio, Kia Rio Cinco(you'd think that they would name it something else
), and the Protege 5 was the start. Mazda usually comes out with the first of something, the first new Roadster, Protege 5, but they don't give them enough power, and other more powerfull cars come out and beat the Mazdas, and then Mazda has to do a catch up to get back into the sceme of things. Like the new MPV, they put a 165HP V6 in it, and less than a year later, the other ones have 210, 220, even 240 HP engines, and Mazda just cought up with the 200HP MPV(new this year). Same with the Protege MP3, 140 HP I4, and the competition has 170, 180 HP cars, but now Mazda's gonna have a 170 or so HP MP3(still limited production, it's just gonna be re-released). And then there's the 626.....pretty junky car in the last 5 years or so, a 165 HP V6 is all you can get now, while nissan has a killer Altima, Honda is still there too, Toyota with a new Camry, and now Mazda is catching again, with the Mazda 6.
And that's the scoop on that.