Toyota's Next-Gen Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle: Toyota Mirai

United States
Fort Worth
Hydrogen fuel cell. Sounds pretty neat, but... Geez. That exterior is a bit extreme.


Jalopnik's take on the Mirai
Sometimes weird designs look cool because of the weirdness. But this thing is just hideous. Unfortunately I don't think I can call it a good design either because it doesn't seem especially cohesive. The front and rear faces are speaking the same language but everything in between is talking Jive. And it looks freaking miserable because of it. The greenhouse looks like something off a late 80s crapbox. In general the car just looks unfit and unhealthy, even more so than a Prius or something similar.
I've never liked big gaping holes like that in modern car design, but I'm really impressed by the rest. I'd be happy if car design went in this direction. The rear fenders remind me of the swooping curves of the forties, which is something I'd like to see return, at least in spirit.

I'm always happy to see new and bold designs, regardless of whether they're overdone or not cohesive.
It can be driven only in California and there isn't many places you can fill the tank yet. Then there's the price, which is high for a car that slow (when it isn't on sale in a country that has insane car taxing). And of course there's the fact that it isn't very good looking car.
Regarding the design, Toyota currently seem to be doing this thing where they come up with a design, draw a line from the headlights through the door handles, and then inflate the proportions of everything below that line by 200% or 300%.
That was almost certainly intentional. Maybe this is Toyota's new language coming through?
It looks like they took the body of an 90's car, and gave it a modern facelift. It just doesn't fit.
(See: Chinese Jetta)

It appears to be an MKII Jetta, so, 1984. With minimal revisions, I believe, in many markets. I seem to recall a lot of the MKII models being sold elsewhere, including the GTI down in South Africa. That's both downright crazy, and absolutely awesome.