Track surveying

I wish thinking about how people were talking about bikes in gt. Now here is my idea. Normally before a race you might drive around the track and learn it. Well for long tracks such as Nurburgring, tis be nice to kind or walk it. So taking the bike idea I think it would be cool to have one single track bike in the whole game that you get and then you can use it to survey the track from a different perspective and see somethings you cant from a car. Sort of like how some drivers WALK the track before the race.
It'd be an intereting addition, but who would ever use it more than once or twice.
I wish thinking about how people were talking about bikes in gt. Now here is my idea. Normally before a race you might drive around the track and learn it. Well for long tracks such as Nurburgring, tis be nice to kind or walk it. So taking the bike idea I think it would be cool to have one single track bike in the whole game that you get and then you can use it to survey the track from a different perspective and see somethings you cant from a car. Sort of like how some drivers WALK the track before the race.
well, this seems to be just me, but i dont like it, sorry... this is (was before your idea) a CAR game and at least i still want it that way... learning a track doesn't take much time at all either...