Translating tunes from GT3 into GT5

Hi everyone! How are you today?

Recently I've set off on a journey of nostalgia and good memories.
While on that journey, I've encounter a small problem. Allow me to explain...

From all the cars that ever existed in this world, the Mitsubishi EVO. family is very closet to my heart. After spending many, many hours with GT3, I grew to enjoy the EVO even more, especially the EVO VII Rally Car prototype.

Then I got my hands on the rare and exclusive GT Concept, and I was happy to see the EVO VII being featured in this game. This time, not as a prototype, but a full racing rally car version. I was really happy with that car. :)

After that, the EVO VII Rally Car was featured in several marketing campaigns of GT4, leading me to believe that this was was going to be in GT4. But sadly, it didn't, being GT Concept the last I've saw of this car in the GT series...:(

So! After many miles with GT5, I want to make a replica of this car. With the exact specs as found in GT Concept. But here is were I encountered the problem...

In order to get the exact tune, I needed a car that was featured in GT3, GT Concept, GT4 AND GT5. This way I could see what kind of values I get from the same car, but in different games.
You see, GT Concept uses a simplify version of the GT3 tuning menu. And that is VERY different from what we got today in GT5. So I made some tests.

I needed to compare the EVO VII GT3-PROTOTYPE to the EVO VII GTC-RALLY CAR
Also, to find out just how much difference there is between this two cars/games, I did the same with another car that went trought the same.

Both this cars were featured in the GT games that I needed, first the PROTOTYPE in GT3, then the RALLY CAR in GT CONCEPT, and then both in GT4 and GT5.

So I got all the data that I need, right? Well, not yet. I still need a control car so that I can compare all this stats and values. So I chose the Peugeot 206 Rally Car. A car that hasn't changed since it was first featured in GT2, and it's in all the GT games that I need in order for this to work.

I still need to take note of some things, but here's a resume version of what's going on...

Write down the stats and specs found in the tuning menu of all the cars, in GT3, GT CONCEPT, GT4 and GT5.

Car in question:

Car used to compare stats to the car in question:
  • Impreza GT3-PROTOTYPE
    [*]Impreza GT4-PROTOTYPE
    [*]Impreza GT5-PROTOTYPE
  • Impreza GTC-RALLY CAR
    [*]Impreza GT4-RALLY CAR
    [*]Impreza GT5-RALLY CAR

Car used for control and reach a conclusion:
  • Peugeot 206 GT3 - Rally Car
    [*]Peugeot 206 GTC - Rally Car
    [*]Peugeot 206 GT4 - Rally Car
    [*]Peugeot 206 GT5 - Rally Car

Why am I doing this? Because I just love this car so much, and since I can't get it in GT5, I'll make my own! Why I'm posting the results? Well, I'm a GT fanatic, and so are many of you, so, just in case someone wants to do something similar, this is the starting point of your research. :dopey:

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