Transmission Question please, about Final Drive.

  • Thread starter Lambob
Montreal, Canada
Hi fellas.

I'm at the stage where I'm now tinkering with individual gear ratios, usually gear 3 and 4, to set them for specific turns on specific track, adjusting for downshift under heavy braking, or adjusting for optimum rev on accelleration, etc.

However, I haven't really studied the FD gear much, I know it's the gear responsible for all things at the end.

I just wonder, lets say I'm tuning the F1 2007, same track... (Autumn Ring Mini, best time 25.33s)

I have recently tuned with top speed set at lowest, in this case 300, and If I want to increase top speed, I would move the FD slider left, to make the ratios taller, i/e get them to reach higher top speed, for long straights or what not.

(edit:Can different FD ratios cause wheels to spin faster if improperly rationed?) Perhaps messing up crucial cornering traits, to cause undesired Over or understeer due to too quick of a FD ?

do different FD ratios affect acceleration based on different MAX speed settings?

sorry for all these questions.

is there an optimal setting for FD to be at for certain Torque or HP cars?

I guess what I'm trying to get at is, does different FD ratios, to deliver same speed, based on different gear ratios, affect stability of the car? - or does everything balance out in the game?

or, does FD ratio-X in same optimal power band offer different acceleration properties as FD ratio-Y ?

I notice this in high speed portions of Nur ring track, where the top speed at 310-340 seems sluggish at times, whereas top speeds of 310-340 may seem suddenly more "responsive" if FD was set differently, both being in relatievly same power band. I just never jotted down my settings to know which worked best, that leads me to request a feature from PD, to please take a snapshot of car settings for each lap recorded.
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I've kinda tried this to get my NASCAR faster on daytona. I noticed by dropping the final after adjusting top speed my car gained a little speed. Even if it's 1 or 2 mph on daytona thats a big deal. Also I noticed dropping it to low made the results worse, too high and results got worse. Also top speed effects this as well, for example I run a 217MPH top speed for daytona. Drop the final to 3.000, run laps, adjust 3rd gear so im just barley redlining, then I reset gears to default, top speed back to 217, then try final at 3.600 and repeat the tuning process, overall I will tell you my car def had better consistent lap times when the FD was dropped below 3.000. Also I tune for road courses and fine the same results. Numbers never work the same as every car is different. I'd say mess around with your top speed, then play with your final and write down your lap times. After a few runs repeat the process to find out what FD suits you. I have noticed a higher final good for short tracks, and lower for more straights. Haven't crazy tested to see if its keeping my RPMs higher or what, but there def is the right spot. You just gotta find it, hopefully this helps. BTW it does take along time, as in my 550PP LFA 5 Speed took me over 8 hours of testing, and of that 3 hours alone messing with tranny. So be patient lol.
I like your snap a photo of hot laps, that is one thing I would very much like to see lol. And the reason your higher top speed is increasing your stability is less torque, If you have a fast accel car it will handle differently because you are flying through your rpm's which equals faster, a slower car can turn better because it's slowly accelerating so it can manauver better. try it :)

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