Trophy Bug: 100 Scapes

I think that's the key (and that is a very dumb trophy too)
Why dumb ?

Quite smart actually I think....
Get you to do two or 3 actions for one trophy:
0) buy car and customize it (tune and livery)
1) encourages players to try out photography
2) get you to share your creations with the community for the social engagement
Why dumb ?

Quite smart actually I think....
Get you to do two or 3 actions for one trophy:
0) buy car and customize it (tune and livery)
1) encourages players to try out photography
2) get you to share your creations with the community for the social engagement
except how many players go through that ordeal and how many just shoot whatever 100x to get the trophy ?

You don't need to share them. Or even save them. You can take the same shot 100 times and back out each time.
Ah thanks ! Got it long ago. I remember having to share something for some trophy, that was not this one apparently.
Erm, no. There Videos, where someone makes 100 pics from the same car without saving or sharing them.

Ah, oops, haven't the post above.
Well... than... it seems to be broken.
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Points taken.

You guys just want to get the trophy without the merit.
That's all fine and that's your freedom to do so.

But you do realize that the intent of this trophy 🏆 is not to do what you did?

It's not the end of the world and I am not calling you out for it. PD created that trophy so you could have fun, not short cutting it.
You guys reminds me of my kids when they have to practice piano or do chores or homework, putting absolutely no heart in it... Man you have been given an opportunity, and you just do the absolutely bare minimum... No wonder you hate this game, you just do so you could say you did it, just for the sake of it ? Why even bother then?

I know this is nothing, but it is a question of honor and principles, and pride...
Sorry for getting all philosophical with you, but for me, this is more than a game... I try to me a 100% completionist. For my own pleasure.
I know this might not be how you enjoy it, and I can't expect you to be like me, but don't call this dumb if you don't do it correctly yourself.

For me, I got the trophy easily without even thinking about it because I am an avid photographer in real life and this feature in GT7 is pure gold. It comes so naturally.
You didn't have to twist my arms to take photos.

The photography feature in GT has been so well integrated I probably use it more often than driving, if it wasn't for the necessary boring grind it forces me to do so I could get the expensive cars.

Just my 2cents perspective.
No feelings hurt on my side.
I just find it funny that you guys still find ways to criticize this trophy.
Should they remove it ?
Should we just do nothing else in this game other than drifting?
Should we all do the same things as you ?

You don't have to answer any of these rhetorical questions... This is just food for thoughts. Get you to think more.

I personally hate drifting. Not for the reason that you think.
I hate drifting because I can't do it.
I want to love drifting. I know I would love drifting but I just can't do it. And for that reason I have not been able to get the Drifting Trophy yet...
Should I call it stupid? No I am not.
I will achieve it at some point, when I am ready, but I am not gonna try to cheat it....

That's all.
Carry on guys.
Points taken.

You guys just want to get the trophy without the merit.
That's all fine and that's your freedom to do so.

But you do realize that the intent of this trophy 🏆 is not to do what you did?

It's not the end of the world and I am not calling you out for it. PD created that trophy so you could have fun, not short cutting it.
You guys reminds me of my kids when they have to practice piano or do chores or homework, putting absolutely no heart in it... Man you have been given an opportunity, and you just do the absolutely bare minimum... No wonder you hate this game, you just do so you could say you did it, just for the sake of it ? Why even bother then?

I know this is nothing, but it is a question of honor and principles, and pride...
Sorry for getting all philosophical with you, but for me, this is more than a game... I try to me a 100% completionist. For my own pleasure.
I know this might not be how you enjoy it, and I can't expect you to be like me, but don't call this dumb if you don't do it correctly yourself.

For me, I got the trophy easily without even thinking about it because I am an avid photographer in real life and this feature in GT7 is pure gold. It comes so naturally.
You didn't have to twist my arms to take photos.

The photography feature in GT has been so well integrated I probably use it more often than driving, if it wasn't for the necessary boring grind it forces me to do so I could get the expensive cars.

Just my 2cents perspective.
No feelings hurt on my side.
I just find it funny that you guys still find ways to criticize this trophy.
Should they remove it ?
Should we just do nothing else in this game other than drifting?
Should we all do the same things as you ?

You don't have to answer any of these rhetorical questions... This is just food for thoughts. Get you to think more.

I personally hate drifting. Not for the reason that you think.
I hate drifting because I can't do it.
I want to love drifting. I know I would love drifting but I just can't do it. And for that reason I have not been able to get the Drifting Trophy yet...
Should I call it stupid? No I am not.
I will achieve it at some point, when I am ready, but I am not gonna try to cheat it....

That's all.
Carry on guys.
I mean, his point is that he has actually done it but it hasn't pinged, so...
No wonder you hate this game, you just do so you could say you did it, just for the sake of it ?
You should relax a bit. Never a good idea to assume what's in the mind of others, especially if it is insulting.

Some people love using scapes, other love making liveries, that's fine and cool that those are possibilities in this game. I do love taking photos from time to time, and do an occasionnal livery here and there.

But that is very occasionnal for me, most of the time, I drive cars around tracks (weird, I know).

So having a trophy that pushes me to do 100x a task I rarely do and don't care that much, and that I can do quick and dirty ? I think that it is a dumb trophy. Like the trophy for which you need to buy 10x the same car. How many players bought 10 karts ?
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You should relax a bit. Never a good idea to assume what's in the mind of others, especially if it is insulting.

Some people love using scapes, other love making liveries, that's fine and cool that those are possibilities in this game. I do love taking photos from time to time, and do an occasionnal livery here and there.

But that is very occasionnal for me, most of the time, I drive cars around tracks (weird, I know).

So having a trophy that pushes me to do 100x a task I rarely do and don't care that much, and that I can do quick and dirty ? I think that it is a dumb trophy. Like the trophy for which you need to buy 10x the same car. How many players bought 10 karts ?
That's why it is a trophy... It doesn't have to make sense... Its for the quirky actions and activities that encourages the path least travelled..

In my case, there are actually several cars I bought several times, and it was a race (pun intended ) for me to see which one would get me the trophy first and it was the C4 Corvette that I bought 10 times, without rushing.

Sometimes life is just better experienced differently.

Again I just find it funny that you have to complain about having to shoot something 100... To enjoy the process...

It's not the destination, it's the journey

You try to relax first young Padawan.
I am just so frustrated with people with lack of patience nowadays.

Have you been to Japan ? That's the mindset you need to have playing GT7.

GT7 was created by Japanese with that mindset.


"I mean, his point is that he has actually done it but it hasn't pinged, so..."

That's OP.

Lomic is the one saying how this trophy is stupid.
I can't drift, but I won't go and say how the drift trophy is stupid.

Question of perspective I guess, but I reckon Lomic's perspective is the wrong one to have...

Cup half full vs half empty...

That's all I have for you boys today.
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But you do realize that the intent of this trophy 🏆 is not to do what you did?
"Stupid" trophies encourage players to find ways to achieve them in unintentional ways.
Trophies that require you to spend x hours in a game just because almost double the time after you finished everything else should allow the player to reclaim the few cents that the electricity cost ... ;)

Trophies like "drive 1000 miles" (Dirt 5) ...
Here is the solution to this one

Rubberbanding R2 for throttle and left stick for driving a perfect circle at 100mph for HOURS after every other trophy has been claimed.

Yet some trophies are of that high stupidity that I simply wont finish them because I despise the action required.
I wont Platin GT7 because I cant be motivated to just take 100 pictures for the sake of it - I hate photo mode, which is difficult to say to something that cant really trigger a hate reaction.
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I... have shot over 200 regular images and shared them. Over 100 scapes and over 100 race photos. I did not receive that trophy. Got it? 🤣

You should check again on your profile then.
How can anyone here help you without more info ?

Did you recently switch from playing on the PS4 to the PS5 (it shouldn't matter) But maybe the bug lays there .

No one here seems to have the same bug as you...
Maybe you should do what they others have done....
Take 100 shots of the same car.
Ok, that's all I wanted to know.
I only play on the ps5.
Well. I just was wondering wether soomeone has this issue too.
Even if so, you could not do anything to solve this.

So what. There more important things to do this day 🤗

Thanks so far.

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