trouble getting IA license

  • Thread starter HoOpStAr

Well, I'm currently working on getting the S License so I can be of some help.

This may seem pretty obvious but, stay to the inside, this makes you run a smaller circumference. you're going to have to repeatedly lay off the gas as you feel/hear your car sliding away from the right edge. And I mean as soon as you feel it creeping away ease off and realign or you'll lose key seconds. Also, don't be afraid to roll on the red and white tracking on the edge. Additionally try to stay in 3rd gear and bust out the speed in a straight line at the end aiming for the wall afer the finish line. (just make sure it's the third lap.)
whenever i was on that track i would tap the gas and keep the car going around 60 mph.  that way i didnt spin out and i still made it in time.
Use the gas only, no brake. Keep it at about 60 mph, and stay as close to the curb as possible. When you get to the end of the third lap, gas it hard to the line.
Actually being close to the curb u can hold your speed at 75, and at 80 u can hold it in the midle of the course. get your fingers use to holding the speed exactly, then just take the turns as they come.
I too am working on my S license and its a big jump from IA.
The dry circles are in IB.  Stay to the outside edge, you can mantian a higher speed safely.  In the inside you have a higher chance of spinning out!
just use the analog gas... dont goose it off the line either, you can gain a bit by launching conservatively and not spinning the tires too much...

also - race against your replay!  it helps more than anything else!