Trouble saving best lap

  • Thread starter boshuter
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This is my first week in the WRS and I'm having problems with saving the best lap. After I run a few laps and get one that I consider is a good lap, I do the "save ghost replay", which should save my fastest lap. When I go to replay theatre to watch the replay, the correct lap time is shown on the list of saved replays; but when I open it to view the replay, it will be a different lap. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've tried 3 saves and in all cases the save will have the correct lap time until I open it, then it's a different lap. :ill:

I posted this in the Week 9 thread, but realized that probably wasn't the place for it.

I would sure appreciate anyone that can tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Maybe nothing. Are you going by the time listed in the top of the replay, or are you watching the whole lap?
Maybe nothing. Are you going by the time listed in the top of the replay, or are you watching the whole lap?

The time listed in the top of the replay doesn't match the time listed in the title of the replay. The time listed in title of the replay (before I open it) is the same as my fast lap was when I was running laps and saved, when I open the replay, the lap time shown at the top is different, and it doesn't matter if I watch the whole lap or not, it doesn't change.

If I have to, I'll do it on a random track/car combo so I can post pics of the problem I'm having.

I'll try to describe it using some made up times so I won't give away my lap times for the WRS.

Lets say I run some laps and get a best lap time of 2:05.333; I then do the "save ghost replay". When I go to replay theatre it shows the replay with the correct time of 2:05.333, but if I open the replay to watch it, that is not the time shown at the top, whether I watch the whole lap or not.
Exactly. That time in the top is the time of the fastest lap you had before you beat it. Watch the whole lap and it will be your fastest ghost, but that time in the top will remain the fastest lap BEFORE you beat it, which is what the replay shows. You are setting a new time. The time in the title of the replay is the official time.
This is a confusing and "by-design" feature of watching replays in the replay theatre.

Since your best lap has not been achieved until you cross the line in your best lap, your previous best lap shows up on screen when watching the replay. There is also no way of telling what your lap time is, when watching the replay of your best lap. The replay ends right at the point you cross the line and then restarts and generally you can't tell what the timer is showing exactly.

The way to tell the lap time is to look at the top right hand corner of the entry in the replay theatre, before pressing the "Play" button. I tend to scribble it down in notepad on my laptop or something, then watch the replay and scribble the split times down, THEN I watch the replay 3 or 4 times to double check/pause it and see that it's clean, THEN post on here, THEN maybe submit the laptime to Fetchbot.

Well that makes sense, in a weird sort of way :crazy:

I appreciate you guys explaining it, I was getting pretty frustrated with getting better laps and seemingly losing them in replay.

Thanks a lot for the help. 👍
I've advised Sureboss to maybe include something about this in his excellent WRS FAQ, and since this appears to be a solved issue I'm going to close this up. Thanks to all who contributed 👍

All the best
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