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I love the 86 for drifting!!! the regular one at least. i set up my SS version the same way i set up my regular turenoand the thing will not drift for me. with the same settings my regular trueno will drift like there is no tomorow, i don't know what is wrong. it is like the S.S. version just wants to be a grip race car and the regular trueno wants to drift. i love the ohhh and all you Initial D Haters out ther, go suck a lemon. lol i have seen all of the 1st and 2nd stage, and downloading the 3rd stage movie right now. Hey what does everybody think about doing a Grand Dorifto: Worl Edition, you know like a long movie Showcaseing GT3 drifters from around the world??lol it's a stretch but it would be awsome. It could be directed by CUDAMAN. just my thoughts, and if anyboday has any info on what kind of rims are on the AE86 in initial d(Takumi's car) and on the S.S. version trueno that would be great if you would e-mail me.I am building a Takumi car clone from an 85 toyota corola gts.