Truth Commercials: Helpful or Not?

I know there is an Anti-Anti-Smoking thread out there, I just see the upcoming Truth Ads way more controversial than to be a sidebar on another thread.

I recently viewed a new Truth ad that almost brought me to tears, so you can imagine what that was like.

There was a group of people setting up two pedastels in the street. One was in front of a major tobacco industry (which was censored, to prevent problems), and their pedastel had the following on it, "A:" to represent "Answer." The other pedastel was across the street and had the following on it, "Q:" to represent "Question."

Now, the "Question" side had a poster behind it of a fancy female smoking a Virginia Slim, and the slogan underneath read, "Women, Go Find Your Voice."

Now, a young lady went up to the pedastel and said the following (not verbatim, because I saw the ad before work today), "For 70 years, smoking companies have targeted women by saying they should find their voice. I'd like to let my friend, (some name) say something."

Now, an elderly lady walked up to the pedestal an whipped out one of those voicemakers that people who don't have a voicebox use to make wordsounds. You could tell it wasn't a faker, because she had a nice scar on her throat and a bandage on it as well. She uttered the following, "Is this the voice you expected me to find?"

I wonder...
*ponder and post at your disgression*
I hate the truth adverts.

Smoking is a choice, I smoke by choice, I do because I enjoy it no matter the concequences.
I don't need someone to waste my time telling me its bad for me because I already know and I don't care.
I hate the truth adverts.

Smoking is a choice, I smoke by choice, I do because I enjoy it no matter the concequences.
I don't need someone to waste my time telling me its bad for me because I already know and I don't care.

Wow, that sad. Ignorance is bliss or so they say.
The truth doesn't work on MistaX - he enjoys conforming to the standards of noncomformity. Oh, and he kicks ass. 👍
I dislike them because of their methods. They have an annoying street theater style reminiscent of anarchist, socialist and generally leftist protestors that leads me toward suspecting these truth ad folks are with them. It is conspiratorial, so perhaps not true in reality, but I tend to feel like the next message is going to be about the workers' unons and denouncing the oligarchy. The people behind the ads may not have anything other than the agenda of holding big tobacco accountable, but I wonder. I readily admit this is highly presumptive on my part, but, it is what I have suspicions about.

But the Philip Morris ads are worse in my view. Likely only done to limit lawsuits and abide by some court ruling. I'd prefer they not sell the crap, though I suppose someone has to to keep regulations on production feasible.
I hate the truth adverts.

Smoking is a choice, I smoke by choice, I do because I enjoy it no matter the concequences.
I don't need someone to waste my time telling me its bad for me because I already know and I don't care.
A lot of people get hooked on smoking and it's not their choice. You're not the only smoker in the world; your circumstances are not universal. If you feel the smoke adds don't apply to you, fine. Tune them out. But don't say smoking is a choice.
You should see the UK's anti-smoking campaign ads. Not very nice, but how else are they going to get the message across? I think these ads are better at getting the message across to would be smokers but I don't think it's working, I still get asked by 12 year olds to buy some cigs in the shop for them (but I don't) they should put the prices up again and deter these kids from wasting what little money they get on killer substances.
Hey lotus how are you ? Your looking quite youngish these days. A new diet perhaps ? :)
A lot of people get hooked on smoking and it's not their choice. You're not the only smoker in the world; your circumstances are not universal. If you feel the smoke adds don't apply to you, fine. Tune them out. But don't say smoking is a choice.

Since when did tobacco companies run in people's houses and shove cigarettes into people's mouths until they got addicted? Smoking is a choice, there's no two ways about it. Anyone who says they were "pressured into smoking" made that choice to let the pressure get to them, it's that simple.
Hey lotus how are you ? Your looking quite youngish these days. A new diet perhaps ? :)
Yo, Ledhed! :) I'm doing good! yeah the new diet is working well, it's took years off me :D

It's my daughter Chloe (a mini me) who is 5 ;)
Ghost C
Since when did tobacco companies run in people's houses and shove cigarettes into people's mouths until they got addicted? Smoking is a choice, there's no two ways about it. Anyone who says they were "pressured into smoking" made that choice to let the pressure get to them, it's that simple.
I have to agree. Smoking is a choice that is made by an individual. As long as smokers treat others with respect in regards to their habit, I have absolutely no problem with smoking. Yes it is an extremely harmful habit, but nowadays, everyone knows that smoking causes lung cancer, so anyone who chooses to smoke knows what they are in for.

Right now in Toronto, the municipal government is starting a nazi-esque campaign against smokers. We just recently banned smoking from bars and clubs, apparently to protect the employees of said establishments. My argument against that is, if you don't want to inhale second hand smoke, don't work in a place that is known for smoking!

I could go on with even more examples of how Toronto's smokers are being targeted, but I have to finish with what I think is the most despicable law yet in this campaign against smokers. In relation to the ban on smoking in bars, now it is being proposed that Legion halls also be included in the ban. Idiots like Howard Moscoe and George Smitherman are trying to, and I quote 'Level the playing field' since the leigon halls have an advantage over bars since smoking is allowed. Yet, this is not a rival business that is 'stealing' business from bars, this is a VETERANS CLUB! I don't even know how these insolent pricks have the guts to tell an 84 year old veteran that he can't have a smoke with his buddies at their club. These are not young people who won't be allowed to smoke because of the ban, these are old men and women, who are set in their ways and will never give up smoking (and at most of their ages, there would be little or no long term benefit anyways). These people risked their lives for our freedom and the freedom of others, and now they might not be able to do something as simple as have a smoke with their friends? The general lack of respect this city has for our veterans just makes me sick (A thead on this is coming up in the not too distant future).
Ghost C
Since when did tobacco companies run in people's houses and shove cigarettes into people's mouths until they got addicted? Smoking is a choice, there's no two ways about it. Anyone who says they were "pressured into smoking" made that choice to let the pressure get to them, it's that simple.
A lot of people don't start to smoke just like that. They're animated by friends or a group to have a try when they're young, and then it is too late already in most cases. Of course it's their decision to say "no", but they don't see their future of smoking and probably getting sick in that very moment. Children don't have the experience and "wisdom" adults have, they are curious and want to try new things.

I just read on the newspaper today that there are children of the age of 10(!) smoking already here in Germany. The government thinks about banning smoking from schools prohibiting it for everybody including the teachers and the janitor personal. Personally I don't think that would help because it's not only them attracting the children to smoke. But at least it's a start to do something about it.
Most of the children smoke to be "cool", but there are plenty of reasons. A friend of mine smokes because she lost a bet to a friend of hers. However you start anyway, it's a bad habit.

To go on topic, I think truth commercials are helpful. Nowadays you see so much rough stuff on tv that you just wouldn't pay attention to a standard "please don't smoke" commercial. And it shows nothing different than the truth, so why deny that you could end like that if you keep smoking? If they'd tell that your hair falls out three weeks after you started smoking, it'd be rubbish. But like this you see where smoking can lead you, which is important cause you don't have a direct impact. It works slowly over the years, and you probably won't even notice by yourself. So why not show what could happen to you, if it really can?

the Interceptor
If it's a simple choice to start smoking, it should be a simple choice to stop. But it's not, is it?
Very true. I'm not a chemist, but if it is at all possible (ie: doesn't detract from the cigarette's appealing aspects), nicotine should be removed from cigarettes, gradually at least, so smokers could adjust to the change in their cigarette. But, as I said earlier, everyone knows what they are getting into when they start to smoke, everyone knows cigarettes are addictive.

As for children smoking though, I think a good, strong message from parents backed up by facts should be enough to stop underage smokers. Unfortunately, there are lots of bad parents in the world today, but I think that is a whole other issue right there. So, I think it sould be up to the schools to make it clear to kids that smoking is not a good habit, but the message must be presented in a way so that kids will not ignore it like many other things at school.
the Interceptor
A lot of people don't start to smoke just like that. They're animated by friends or a group to have a try when they're young, and then it is too late already in most cases. Of course it's their decision to say "no", but they don't see their future of smoking and probably getting sick in that very moment. Children don't have the experience and "wisdom" adults have, they are curious and want to try new things.

I just read on the newspaper today that there are children of the age of 10(!) smoking already here in Germany. The government thinks about banning smoking from schools prohibiting it for everybody including the teachers and the janitor personal. Personally I don't think that would help because it's not only them attracting the children to smoke. But at least it's a start to do something about it.
Most of the children smoke to be "cool", but there are plenty of reasons. A friend of mine smokes because she lost a bet to a friend of hers. However you start anyway, it's a bad habit.

Lots of people offered me cigarettes when I was 8, 9, 10. Older kids, kids the same age as me, my friends. I told them to go engage in the act of self-procreation and it generally stopped at that. Saying no isn't as hard as people think, I'm sorry to say, but it's easier for them to blame someone else.
Ghost C
Lots of people offered me cigarettes when I was 8, 9, 10. Older kids, kids the same age as me, my friends. I told them to go engage in the act of self-procreation and it generally stopped at that. Saying no isn't as hard as people think, I'm sorry to say, but it's easier for them to blame someone else.
You're the exception that proves the rule then. When you're grown up enough to know what you're doing at that age it's easy to say no, but most of the kids aren't. The point is that they don't want to say no, even if they know that it's a mistake to take a cigarette, because they don't want to stand apart from the group.

the Interceptor
Ghost C
Since when did tobacco companies run in people's houses and shove cigarettes into people's mouths until they got addicted? Smoking is a choice, there's no two ways about it. Anyone who says they were "pressured into smoking" made that choice to let the pressure get to them, it's that simple.

Well said. 👍