Trying to create a webpage to host a mySQL database

  • Thread starter Blitz24


Chromalusion Member
United States
For a project I am supposed to create the following:

New Jersey Institute Technology is interested in an application program interface that is easy to use so that they do not have to spend time unnecessarily to train their employees. So, you are expected to write a menu-based main program which consists of the following two application programs for their daily transactions and is open for the inclusion of future programs.

I am not sure how to create this and somehow get it to a local host so that it can be displayed and manipulated with menus.

Can anyone here shed some light?
What is the webpage supposed to "do" exactly ( from a end user standpoint )? Is this for a class? I hope they gave you some more information than that :confused:
If you want it on localhost (I assume you're using windows) you'll need to install IIS.
With mySQL, on 'localhost' he might find that php connecting to his mySQL database and displaying it as HTML to be a viable option.

In which case, you can download apache and run it locally. Might I suggest: XAMPP

When I'm developing a webpage for a client, I develop it locally using XAMPP as my localhost environment before I deploy it live. It mimics my Apache environment I have installed on my web servers running linux.

If you are doing ASP instead of PHP, DQuaN is correct. You would need to setup a IIS environment.
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