TT Superbikes

  • Thread starter Aus_James
Hi again,

TT Superbikes is available this Friday. Heard some good things about it. Is it any good? Up to TT standards? Better? worse? still worth a bash?

I've read there are a number of difficulty levels, and on the hardest, it's quite good. Isle of Man would be very cool to ride.

look forward to your views,

You will see a lot of mixed reviews on this game since it has such a narrow focus, you either love it or hate it. I am one of those that love it!

The bike physics are great for the most part and have a very live feel, in other words they don't feel stuck to the track and one dimensional like some other games. The Isle of Man is very well done too and this game inspired me to buy a Isle of Man 2004 DVD. The graphics obviously aren't to TT standards but are decent and the handling at slow speeds is very strange but you can get used to it. Sound is a little weak too. The sense of speed combined with the challenge of keeping the bike on two wheels is the best in any motorcycle game I've played, including TT. It's also fun trying to memorize that gigantic track.

For a cheap game (I'm assuming it's cheap for you wherever you are), this holds a lot of entertainment value and is easily recommended.
id recommend it. it gives you a great ride on the Isle of Man...i think any semi-bike lover would like it.

go grab it. its only $14.99 US
I've seen this game for $15 canadian at Wal-Mart. Looked interesting because I know the Isle of Man is a truly great track. I may pick it up but I've heard some bad things about it too.
TT superbikes is a great game, not perfect but great fun to be able to go at insane speeds round the isle of man on 2 wheels. I do find it not as appealling now as i cant get used to how it feels after playing Tourist Trophy. trying to keep the Tas Suzuki 1000 from wheelie-ing is a challenge in itself. doesnt keep your times which is a bit of a bummer but will surely be in the next version which is rumoured to have the north west 200 in it too. who knows might even get macau.

TT superbikes is a great game, not perfect but great fun to be able to go at insane speeds round the isle of man on 2 wheels. I do find it not as appealling now as i cant get used to how it feels after playing Tourist Trophy. trying to keep the Tas Suzuki 1000 from wheelie-ing is a challenge in itself. doesnt keep your times which is a bit of a bummer but will surely be in the next version which is rumoured to have the north west 200 in it too. who knows might even get macau.


Great game, must have, I keep going back to it. I was looking at my collection of PS2 games the other night and it keeps calling out for a play. You can do individual races that take you round the TT in sections so you can learn the track or you can race the smaller track.

To stop the front coming up just dab the back brake!

I'm still waiting for Tourist trophy here in the UK so TT super bikes will do just fine for now.

TT super bikes web site:
TT superbikes 2 will be coming out for ps2, jester employee revealed on official isle of man tt website forum, said more info will be released soon. Hopefully it will be released before ps3 comes out.
I found TT Superbikes at Best Buy for 10 bucks last week, and I've hated it ever since. The default view is behind and above the bike (Famine's "copter cam"), which I despise, but the other views are displayed as if from cameras, not a rider's eyes. In other words, every wobble of the bike, every bump, every shake aims the viewpoint left, right, up or down, which makes all the other views useless. I've heard people say that the sense of speed is better in TT Superbikes than Tourist Trophy, but I would submit that that's because you can't see far enough down the road in Superbikes to know what's coming up. It's like riding in fog.

I completed Challenge Mode Master Class 125 and 250, to Gold, and lost all patience with the game, used the cheats on Jester Interactive's forums to unlock everything so I could just ride and try different bikes.

The riding physics has some good points, my favorite item is the fact that engine revs increase in a hard lean (sidewall is lower radius than the full tire when upright) but I think it's exaggerated a little. Also, the wheelie/stoppie crap is just too much. Yes, I know about weight shift with the left stick, but there's too much of this one wheel in the air crap.

Mad Sunday is a hoot, though. (Racing on roads open to normal traffic.) After the unlock cheat, Mad Sunday by itself is worth my 10 bucks!

I should also say that the graphics aren't even close to TT/GT4 standards. Almost cartoony in comparison.
you,ve obviously not seen real bikes racing round isle of man, you'll find the front wheel comes up quite alot, and going at 180mph over bumpy roads you will find the riders view would be jumping around, so the job they have done in recreating what it looks like when a real rider is going round is pretty close. I can see whats coming up no problem on my ps2. you obviously dont know the track well enough.
I have seen the real race, and I have seen the wheels come up. Usually it's over a crest or something like that, not just throttle out of a 90-MPH bend. In the bonus videos on the game disc, the rider explains when he short-shifts or lays out of the throttle to avoid such instances. I also realize that riding a high-performance bike the way these guys do is beyond my ability in real life, and tamed a bit by the physics in Tourist Trophy.

You are correct, I don't know the course. I can't be bothered to learn the course when all I can clearly see is 30 meters at over 100 MPH. There's nothing at all realistic about that.

My main gripe is still the available riding views. All but the above-and-behind view duplicate bike motion, not rider's head motion, making them useless except as replays. Tourist Trophy is infinitely better at this. And although I can see further using the copter-cam view, I need a show of hands of all riders who actually use this view in real life. Anyone? Hmm?

Having unlocked the game with the cheat (something I've never considered with Polyphony's games, and I'm all-gold and 100% in everything since GT2 so please don't accuse me of sloth or impatience), I enjoy riding the course, trying different bikes, especially Mad Sunday as I said, but going through the ladders to unlock everything was infuriating. I'm either spoiled or pre-trained by Tourist Trophy. Perhaps if I'd seen Superbikes first I'd feel differently, but probably not. I've been used to GT3 and GT4 graphics for too long.
Sounds like a pretty enjoyable game.
I've been round the TT track in real life, obviously with no comparison to the race modified bikes, but as fast as i could go while feeling in control.

Your front wheel comes up a fair bit, you can feel the bike trying to lift the front end over most crests. Visibility around it is, i'd say, fairly good, although some points had me constantly on the brakes in fear. Well worth a visit.
May buy the game to see for myself.
Having seen this thread, I picked this up for $20 canadian today. Not up with TT in the physics department, but one thing it does have quite well is the feeling of the bike moving around under you, wobbling about over bumps, etc. I think they're good enough to make flying around the Isle of Man enjoyable, and that's good enough for me. Graphics aren't great, but they're not bad to be honest. Considering they've got the whole course in there, it's pretty detailed. Worth $20 just for the fact it's in there.
Great game, nice and cheap 👍

Love the video clips and having the full TT course is of course great.

However this thread is in the wrong place, would an Enthusia or Forza thread be in the GT4 forum? Nope, so this one gets moved to the general PS2 forum.


The bike physics are great for the most part and have a very live feel, in other words they don't feel stuck to the track and one dimensional like some other games.


Suzuki TT Superbikes is the best motorcycle game I've ever played, on PS2 or any other platform -- the bikes actually feel alive, and they're actually challenging to ride, as they should be.

Tourist Trophy is great for its road bikes and variety of courses (despite the glaring omission of the Isle of Man), but Suzuki TT Superbikes' physics are far, far superior. Unfortunately, that means that Tourist Trophy is much easier and more enjoyable to play, so I've been playing TT more often than SuzukiTTS... :lol:
Sorry for a bump but i felt i had to post, I've had TT Superbikes coming up to around 14 months now, i have to say it took me almost 2 weeks to learn the course, some parts still catch me out, best time so far is 16:27 on one of the Suzuki's. when you're doing 180+ it really feels it, i don't like the fact when you are doing 120 in S-Bends it's so hard to turn and the bike jolts whilst turning, I've seen onboard shots and it doesn't do that, I'll be getting Tourist Trophy today, and I will post a comparison :) TBH I wish TT Superbikes had proper bike Dash's instead of the same one, rather annoying, and also you can't see the speedo... That's all for now... Xaid0n:)
For comparison, CBR1000, Jun Maeda, full lap (Avi, xvid, 48 MB):

And a circuit guide:

The game isn`t perfect but it`s good fun, especially when you consider that it was released as a bargain title.
It`s worth alone for the full course. 👍

Just looked at your video link of the Fireblade, very similar to the one I did from the game. Still play this game a lot, can't wait for version 2 to come out!
I have a question, I've been really interested in this game lately. Is this the game with the Suzuki logo on the cover? This is the only game I could find around here that seems remotely similar. Just to make sure, anyone have pics of the box art for the NA version? I think I've seen this game for under 10 bucks canadian, but I wasn't sure if it was this exact game or not.
That`s the one:

so you guys recommend this game then, I'm still playing TT at the moment but I need another racer for as soon as I've finished it.
Got the game a couple of weeks ago, what a sick game. MY best Time on the TT course so far is a sub 19m run, still trying to best that though.
so you guys recommend this game then, I'm still playing TT at the moment but I need another racer for as soon as I've finished it.

Suzuki TT Superbikes is significantly more realistic than Tourist Trophy, but it's much less forgiving because of it.

If you can deal with a difficult sim and want to ride the Isle of Man, I say go for it.
Whoa! How'd that one slip under my radar?

From reading IGN's review, it seems like it's far underdeveloped compared to the first game, though. Have you played it yourself?
Whoa! How'd that one slip under my radar?

From reading IGN's review, it seems like it's far underdeveloped compared to the first game, though. Have you played it yourself?

no not yet, i also had no idea till it caught my eye one day at best buy, Wal mart also has it. It may be underdeveloped but it costs 15 bucks. I plan to pick it up soon.

i dunno about you but i never raced on the 1st one, just played it to rip on some fast bikes.