TT3D - Closer to the Edge

I'm surprised there isn't already a thread on 'the other motorsports movie of the year' (I suppose someone will give me a link to said thread now)


Official Website


Its beginning to be shown in cinemas across the UK now, but don't know if its being shown much elsewhere.


TT3D: Closer to the Edge is a film about the TT, the world-famous motorcycle race that takes place on the Isle of Man every year. Racing along public roads on bikes just inches apart - with speeds hitting 200mph - drama, tension and tragedy all combine to thrill the audience and tell a very moving human story.

Every rider knows that each race might be his or her last. Riders push themselves up to and beyond their limits in their bid to become "King of the Mountain".

In Closer To The Edge we witness an unparalleled victory, heartbreaking sadness, and feats of emotional heroism, unbelievable bravery and super-hero levels of human skill that can only be believed if you are lucky enough to see it. Packed with high speed, thrilling 3D coverage of the races Closer To The Edge also explores the very human story behind the visor, the danger, tragedies and dramas of these courageous men and women who dedicate their lives to the challenge of the TT as they mentally and physically push themselves beyond their limits, in the world's greatest motorcycle road racing event.

The races take place along public roads packed with thousands of spectators who have come from all over the world to watch bikes racing just inches apart at speeds hitting close to 200mph. The TT has a reputation for excitement, courage and danger.

Nobody lines up on the start line for the money; they come for a love of the sport and a desire to test themselves against the most gruelling course in the world, 37 ¾ miles of treacherous bends, drops and walls to be navigated at breakneck speed.

Using the latest highly innovative 3D technology, Closer To The Edge captures the excitement and drama of the 2010 races as we discover what motivates these modern day gladiators who live and breathe road racing and meet some of its biggest stars.

"People's Champion", Guy Martin is a true maverick with movie star looks and charisma who has a sharp wit and a unique take on life and whose off-road antics continually exasperate his sponsor, mechanics and race officials. Guy, one of the most talented riders on the circuit is determined to win in 2010.

John McGuinness is a racing legend and the most successful living rider, winning the TT fifteen times. Unafraid to show his nerves or vulnerability McGuinness prepares to race with an obsessive passion to win combined with the fatalistic understanding that each trip to the TT might be his last.

Conor Cummins is one of the Isle of Man's most prominent stars, truly living the dream. Having left the safety of his 9 to 5 job as a bank clerk, he now devotes his whole life to racing. He's the "local boy come good" and is hugely popular on the island. The pressure is on for Cummins to bring home the prize in 2010 and in Closer To The Edge we see how he pushes himself beyond endurance with stunning consequences.

Ian Hutchinson is a relative newcomer whose career has been a phenomenon. In 2009 "Hutchy" won two TT's in one day and another important road race, the NW200, in Northern Ireland as well as competing every week at the top of the British Superstock Championship. Quiet and softly spoken compared to the other riders, Hutchinson takes his racing extremely seriously, putting in gruelling hours of training both on and off a bike during winter. He refuses to let anything get in the way of victory and constantly pushes himself that extra mile in his pursuit of success and glory.

For more than 100 years riders have flocked to the Isle of Man in search of thrills, glory and triumph. The TT has always called for a commitment far beyond any other racing event, and since the race began over 200 people have made the ultimate sacrifice in their quest for victory. In Closer To The Edge we also meet Bridget Dobbs, mother of two and widow of Paul Dobbs ("Dobsy") who tragically died in the 2010 races. Bridget understands and accepts with equanimity and grace that her husband, like many others, , died living his dream doing the thing he loved the most in life.

2010 TT encapsulates the 103-year history of the TT, as the film captures all the dramas, thrills, excitement and tragedies of what has happened in the extraordinary history of the races with incredible 3D footage.

Despite the near fatal injuries, those that survive all want to go back and do it again. We see Guy in his hospital bed at the end of the film, riddled with broken bones, making light of his near fatal crash and Cummins getting around on crutches and refusing to use a wheelchair.

Even Ian Hutchinson - always so cool and infallible -reveals his vulnerability when he's talking about the possibility of losing his leg and explains that he'll do anything to get back on the bike. Nothing encapsulates this more than Richard "Milky" Quale, a TT champion who retired in 2003. He is still involved in the sidelines of the TT but admits that life has less meaning now he no longer races and can't get his fix.

Jared Leto was always the perfect choice for narrator of TT3D: Closer To The Edge. Having seen an early cut of the film he said, "I'm proud to be a part of this groundbreaking film that celebrates this infamous event and the legendary spirit of the men and women who push themselves beyond the limit to places few could even imagine".

Filmed in stunning 3D, Closer to the Edge is a story about the enduring strength of the human spirit and the will to win.
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Is this like a documentary or more like an action movie?

I think its a documentary, but the reviews say its exciting as a film even for people who aren't into bike racing.

I haven't seen it yet, going to see it on Tuesday hopefully.
"TT3D", hmm, why are they using my holy name. I can see in 3d aswell, but its a secret i cant share due to the rules on this forum :)
Finally went to see it last night. I was kind of expecting me and my friend to be the only people in the cinema but there were at least 50 others watching it, certainly more than were watching the 'conventional' film we watched before it. Guy's a legend, there were several LOL moments. Even my friend who hadn't heard of the TT before enjoyed it.

I want to go to the TT now.

Watch it :cool:

(can't find any information about US showings, but I'm sure you'll be able to get it on DVD soon)
Finally went to see it last night. I was kind of expecting me and my friend to be the only people in the cinema but there were at least 50 others watching it, certainly more than were watching the 'conventional' film we watched before it. Guy's a legend, there were several LOL moments. Even my friend who hadn't heard of the TT before enjoyed it.

I want to go to the TT now.

Watch it :cool:

(can't find any information about US showings, but I'm sure you'll be able to get it on DVD soon)
It got to no.9 in the UK box office in it's first week so a few people must have seen it.
Just a bit of a bump for a cracking film. Got my blu-ray version today and just finished watching. Such a great documentary. If you haven't seen it yet and you love motorsport then this is a must.
Look down your shirt and spell "attic", then add "IN 3D!" at the end. :P

Anyway, sounds awesome. I'll have to check it out. :)

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