tuner wanted to tune my evo x

  • Thread starter cj10
Hi can someone help me tune my evo x for tsukuba track use?This is the first premium car i bought but it was quite a disappointmentas the car will wobble at high speed and such. I hope someone would tune this evo x for me as i am hoping to get this car into the 53.3 second bracket in tsukuba as my current timing is 53:738 second.I will send you the evo x for tuning
here are some image of my evo x
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To save you the trouble of say…looking first and being slaughtered by Adrenaline, here are some links to tuned versions of this car:
There are a few more, but they are mostly duplicates, just tighten the gearbox a little bit so the car tops out on the back straight and you're ready (I think)…
To save you the trouble of say…looking first and being slaughtered by Adrenaline, here are some links to tuned versions of this car:
There are a few more, but they are mostly duplicates, just tighten the gearbox a little bit so the car tops out on the back straight and you're ready (I think)…

hmm i wanted someone to tune it because i believe every car will be slightly different and that i want it to be tune specially for tsukuba and not because i am lazy to search lol
That's it, don't be too lazy to search.

hmm i wanted someone to tune it because i believe every car will be slightly different and that i want it to be tune specially for tsukuba and not because i am lazy to search lol
Quid pro quo
Read the thread that Cykosis linked, it explains exactly how to get a custom hand made tune of your choice.

As for Tsukuba and the X, kill those LSD's down to take those tight turns, get the Torque split to 50/50 drop the rear end a bit, add negative toe in the rear, positive in the front, then start tweaking shocks 1 click at a time until you find the sweet spot.
hmm i wanted someone to tune it because i believe every car will be slightly different and that i want it to be tune specially for tsukuba and not because i am lazy to search lol

It's unlikely someone will give you a custom tune specifically for your needs when there are alot of decent tunes out there for this car. Try a few with the same transmission settings and decide what works best for you. Adjust it from there bit by bit so you know the changes you are making. People have put effort into making these tunes and posting them up here for you, now make a little effort yourself to modify a tune to tsukuba.
Also, don't be afraid to try the other Evo (7,8,9 ect) tunes on the X. You'd be surprised how well tunes transfer between models.
All of the above + go to some of the links supplied and ask the author how to adopt their builds to your needs. I've found most people on here to be approachable and willing to help, particularly if you can demonstrate that you've made some effort yourself...

Quid pro quo
Read the thread that Cykosis linked, it explains exactly how to get a custom hand made tune of your choice.

As for Tsukuba and the X, kill those LSD's down to take those tight turns, get the Torque split to 50/50 drop the rear end a bit, add negative toe in the rear, positive in the front, then start tweaking shocks 1 click at a time until you find the sweet spot.

Ok i will try