- 293
- Victoria
- Mr_Paincake
challenge is to tune a ZR1 RM or R35 TC to Nuringburg 24hr on 404 hp, on race mediums FOR THE DS3!!! no wheel tunes here only DS3, now tune must also try beat 8:30 ONLINE!!
I've used the one from Avid Racing for quite a while, although not since 2.09. The Mad Finns, Praiano and Motor City Hami all have tunes for the ZR1.
You can find a bucket of builds for the R35 too, although I can't testify for any of them, because I'm too tight to buy the DLC. Maybe someone will love me enough this Christmas .......... I doubt that though
Try Avid's ZR1, it's a monster. I use it for the vast majority of the Seasonal challenges that require something with plenty of grunt. And as such, usually run it on RH tyres. Try all of the above, you may not find one car that you like, but you maybe able to mash a few of them together to find something that suits your purposes. Failing that, I'd advise approaching the builders of the cars and asking them about changes to suit yourself. You'll find that most are welcoming and willing.
I'd stop by Photo Finish Racing too, CSL has been knocking out the high end race cars for a little while now...
yeah found Avid's Fast as! but very "Bouncy" so might just lower the springs a bit, mabye or i could just learn to drive it![]()
Try lowering the dampers incrementally all round, but start with compression first. I've found a few of my cars have become quite bouncy since 2.09, cars that I could drive straight through the yump on the right hander before the long straight at The Ring, now lift up on two wheels and I get thrown toward the barrier...
ok so go from 8-6 ext and 6-8 comp to what?
yeah found Avid's Fast as! but very "Bouncy" so might just lower the springs a bit, mabye or i could just learn to drive it![]()
In the future you'd be better off to just try and look up tunes or ask tuners directly for help, rather than faking starting up a tuning competition...lol..
The bounciness may be a by-product of the 2.09 update. I find a lot of cars unsettled over curbs and such where they weren't before. You might want to try softening things up or just learning which curbs are the worst and avoid them, while still keeping the sharper tune settings active for the majority of the course. Not all curbs are created equal under 2.09 and many can still be attacked vigorously.
ok so go from 8-6 ext and 6-8 comp to what?
Drop each value by 2, maintaining the same ratio between front and back. If it's now driving like a boat, increase all values by 1.
MrPainCakehmm point taken, but most dont take requests or they just link me to there tunes already, and most dont work with DS3 so i get stuck in the same trap, as for the bouncing its no problem with curbs, its mainly down some straights on the nurb, it seems to just "bounce" weirdly
Seriously? Have you tried asking? The majority of tunes here are for DS3, and there isn't a huge difference between wheel and controller anyway.
I tune with both DS3 and wheel and I have made an effort to help everyone who has asked me for advice. I know many, many other garages do the same. You may have thought that the tuner challenge idea was clever, but it really just made you look a bit lazy.
I think that there are many here who are willing to help, you just have to find the right people. I suggest you look at the active garages (ones with recent tunes posted or those who are participating in the FITT sanctioned tuner challenges). See if they have tuned one of the cars that you are looking for. Try out the tune. Then provide feedback to the tuner as to how it handled for you and ask for help getting the car to do something different.
I tune with both DS3 and wheel and I have made an effort to help everyone who has asked me for advice. I know many, many other garages do the same. You may have thought that the tuner challenge idea was clever, but it really just made you look a bit lazy.
I think that there are many here who are willing to help, you just have to find the right people. I suggest you look at the active garages (ones with recent tunes posted or those who are participating in the FITT sanctioned tuner challenges). See if they have tuned one of the cars that you are looking for. Try out the tune. Then provide feedback to the tuner as to how it handled for you and ask for help getting the car to do something different.
Damage on doesn't make you faster or slower.wasnt meaning for this to sound lazy -_- but anyway, would you mind having a go at it? r35 tc or zr1 rm on race meds at 404 hp, heavy damage on, tire wear, all that good anoying stuff :/
Damage on doesn't make you faster or slower.
wasnt meaning for this to sound lazy -_- but anyway, would you mind having a go at it? r35 tc or zr1 rm on race meds at 404 hp, heavy damage on, tire wear, all that good anoying stuff :/
wasnt meaning for this to sound lazy -_- but anyway, would you mind having a go at it? r35 tc or zr1 rm on race meds at 404 hp, heavy damage on, tire wear, all that good anoying stuff :/