Tuning Garage Help in GT5

  • Thread starter shawtyoner
United States
Just out of curiosity, I was wondering what other GT players would think about having a tuning garage in GT5 that would actually help you tune your car.

For example, say I had an Integra Type-R DC2, and I just purchased a race suspension kit, brakes, and maybe added some minor engine upgrades and added an exhaust. Then i decided to take this car to Tsukuba lets say and tried to set the fastest lap I could with this car. I really think it would be great if before the hot laps, you could take your car to a tuning shop, and perhaps for a fee, get your car tuned for a specific track depending on what modifications you have on your car. Basically it gives you a general setup or at least a good starting point that would help you along.

Being that most people such as myself have a general idea of how to tune but nowhere near as much knowledge or experience as some other people do, it sometimes gets discouraging to even try and create setups when you really don't know if what you are doing is helping or hurting you. One thing I loved doing is trying out other members setups in GT4 and seeing how what they did improved the driving experience of that car. After a while of always searching for other gamers setups or not finding one for a particular car, I feel this would be a rather cool way of helping others out who really want to extract the most from their car even though they have very little insight on how to do so.

Sorry for the rant or if this has been discussed before. Most threads I found on tuning usually just discuss new mods or ways of tuning rather then a help system. Thanks guys.
I had wondered about that before, but the problem is that tuning is a very dynamic and - to use an overused New Agey term here - holistic. When you lower your suspension, the dynamics will change depending on spring stiffness, damping, wheel camber, weight reduction and distribution, brake balance, tire type... so many factors are involved. Your driving style might favor a few factors that another style might not. There's a big difference between racing with a hand controller and a wheel. See?

While I think your idea has merit, I believe the only way that it could work in game is to have the "shop" suggest basic things like transmission setup or tire selection. The really deep stuff would best be handled by online advisers here and elseweb. However, I do want badly a more in-depth tuning tutorial, with substantial explanations and examples. That would be close to your idea.
Setup is largely personal taste so its pointless for this feature to be implemented, those that would use it would probably find it more frustrating than anything, as the setups might not be to their style of driving but they still would not know how to fix the problems.
It doesn't really help people who are trying to learn how to tune either, because it would make too many changes at once and the art of tuning is changing a single setting and then seeing the results, changing several at once makes it very hard to tell which setting is causing problems/solving problems.

Nice idea but I don't think it would work, better off relying on tuners here or reading up on the guides and learning yourself the "proper" way. Though I agree that a more in depth guide to tuning is much needed now ingame.
I just wish they would tell me which way is toein or out... i dont if its+ or - in the game.

and i hope there are units...
they should have a tuning school in the game, just like license mode...and you progress through everything... and get like a tuning license or w/e.... that would be cool
Ditto to the posts above. Something else to keep in mind is that a tweak might be technically what you're looking for to help you with performance, but it may not "feel" right. The car has to be comfortable for you, to feel like it's doing what you want it to. I think the best school is to ask advice here or check the tuning threads, and then play with settings. Drive, adjust, see what suits you.
I just wish they would tell me which way is toein or out... i dont if its+ or - in the game.

and i hope there are units...

Negative is always toe out in the game, and positive is toe in, what is more confusing is the result of front toe changes in the game as opposed to real life.
You guys all have valid points. I guess breaking down the steps of creating a setup for a car needs to be more clear, especially for different types of cars, FF vs FR for example. There are great guides here on GTP which I have read, I guess it just comes down to lack of time to experiment and test. Tuning is an art which comes easier for some people than others. Until then, the lions den will be my main source for setup info, you guys do a great job btw. Thanks for all the feedback so far.