Originally posted by CrackHoor
It's my understanding that stiffer spring have no effect on actual weight transfer, they just reduce the nosedive/squat that is a symptom of that transfer under decel/accel.
C-H, you are exactly correct, and thank you for pointing it out. I typed
directly in the other post when I meant
indirectly. Karts have no springs at all and obviously they do transfer weight.
You are correct in saying that the springs do not limit weight transfer, and you're also correct in what you say about dive and squat. That's what I was getting at by "indirectly". Springs do affect dynamic weight transfer through movement of the roll centers of the car's mass. The roll center is based on the car's center of gravity and the suspension geometry - and it involves engineering well beyond my limited understanding.
Weight transfer is affected by wheel rate, which is the measure of stiffness or resistance to vertical motion at the the wheel. Softer springs lower the wheel rate of a given pair of wheels, and therefore transfer less weight between that pair.
This is coupled to a theory of dynamic weight transfer called 'wedge', which is a measure of the relative amounts of weight transfer across the car at both front and rear. More equal weight distribution at the rear than at the front is called positive wedge, and causes understeer. More equal weight distribution at the front is called dewedge, or negative wedge, and causes oversteer.
So stiffening the front springs and shocks of Punkrock's car will cause greater weight transfer across the front of the car than at the rear, wedging the car more, and reducing the snap oversteer he is (or was) experiencing.