Tuning Question

  • Thread starter Nelsy
Hey guys, haven't been here for a while, but anyway, back on topic.

I'm tuning a car at the moment, doesn't really matter which, but my question is can anyone suggest how I may fix a small problem I'm having..

I'm driving a FF car, and have all the driving aids switched off (Can't stand having them on) and under heavy breaking I'm getting smoke on my inside front wheel, I've checked replays and the wheel is not locked, now my question to you is, would this be fixed/sorted by using the LSD? Or have I missed something in my setup?

I've checked my brake balance and its fairly low, so I don't believe that to be the issue, any tips on the matter would be great..

Thanks guys.
You're driving without ABS 1? Okaaaayyy......!

Try a higher decel value. A higher Inital would also help, but you don't really want a high one on FF cars.

EDIT: Does it also smoke without braking?
Unless you're using ABS the inside tire will always lock up more easily. Your only choice is to brake with less force, or ensure that the car is not turning while you brake.

Best of luck
It does not smoke without braking, only under heavy breaking. (First turn on Grandvalley for example.)
And during early turn in of the corner. I'll give the LSD a try with only decel and initial, I just wandered if there was a way around it without using LSD, as I know LSD is normally bad for FF cars.

Also, I thought the use of ABS would increase your braking distance?
It does not smoke without braking, only under heavy breaking. (First turn on Grandvalley for example.)
And during early turn in of the corner. I'll give the LSD a try with only decel and initial, I just wandered if there was a way around it without using LSD, as I know LSD is normally bad for FF cars.

Also, I thought the use of ABS would increase your braking distance?

What's your brake balance set at? Quite possibly they are too low and the line between proper input and over input gets faded. Values too low often require much more input all the time, this making it harder on the driver to brake on the threshold where proper input and over input are too close on the pedal. Higher values set up right allow you to use very little or a large amount of input and it will have greater benefits to low values that let you bury the pedal practically all the time.

Under hard braking on those negative to positive G areas it's much to do with input. The threshold changes mid braking in that fist corner on GVS. Heading over the hill the braking point is right before the negative G goes positive, so at first you need be very light on the brakes and go deeper as the G turns positive.

Threshold braking is tough, if you get a lil lock up, go easier into the brakes, it also helps to slightly get out of them when you detect lock up and quickly get back in, that will unlock the locked up wheel, going harder into them just gets more of them locking and induces a slide.

This is just my opinion, I drive quite a bit without ABS, we need more into assist free Driving.
So, its really my driving technique I need to work on, also work with some higher values (my current ones are set very low).

I'll try out using higher breaking values and applying alot less pressure to my break, eg:50-60%... I'm currently breaking at 80-100% pressure.

Alot of this has helped me alot, I thank all those who contributed. :sly:

Scrap the LSD and thumbs up to no assist driving, been doing since I can remember. :)
Your on the right Track :D but don't toss the LSD out the window. It's got it's purpose & helps out, more on that in a bit.

Spot on Bro with your brake down (see what I did there "brake down" okay, back to topic) your going to benefit from higher values and lower input. Always ease into the brakes, the sharper you get in them the sharper they bite and lock. So easing into them allows you to approach the threshold without shocking past it. You will be surprised just how much you can get into them before locking if you don't slam them.

The LSD :) it's our friend & makes us faster :D here is how we want it when driving a FF ABS free. 5-10 Decel may be too low, too loose under braking. Going for 10-15 might stabilize you under braking without causing more understeer then already present in the platform as is. Out INT too low could cause issues, 5-10 rather soft, 10-15 more where we want it.

Hope this has been helpful
I'll get on with some testing after work tonight, and let you know how I got on...
If after 10-15 laps I cannot stop the wheelspin/lock, I'll throw on the LSD and see how that helps.

I can see learning to brake with higher values is going to be challenging but fun for me.. Wish me luck man.. :sly:
I'll get on with some testing after work tonight, and let you know how I got on...
If after 10-15 laps I cannot stop the wheelspin/lock, I'll throw on the LSD and see how that helps.

I can see learning to brake with higher values is going to be challenging but fun for me.. Wish me luck man.. :sly:

More for acceleration the LSD is good for you. I would put it back in and keep in the direction your going with adjusting your brake values and input.
Good news! :)

After around 15-20 laps, I've now managed to cut a whole second off my lap time by only adjusting the brake balance. My values are higher now and I'm using less input, I was actually suprised I managed to save that much time. :sly:

It took me around 7 laps to get used to the new values, and the first couple of laps I span out (Had to re-adjust the rear balance lower).

But all is well now, I rarely get the inside wheel locking and now I think I'll try tuning the LSD, perhaps I can save even more time on my lap.

Thanks for all the tips. *bows*
Good news! :)

After around 15-20 laps, I've now managed to cut a whole second off my lap time by only adjusting the brake balance. My values are higher now and I'm using less input, I was actually suprised I managed to save that much time. :sly:

It took me around 7 laps to get used to the new values, and the first couple of laps I span out (Had to re-adjust the rear balance lower).

But all is well now, I rarely get the inside wheel locking and now I think I'll try tuning the LSD, perhaps I can save even more time on my lap.

Thanks for all the tips. *bows*

Great to hear, glad to help out a fellow member Drop ABS. I'm positive the LSD will cut even more off your time
Also, I thought the use of ABS would increase your braking distance?
If you have Ninja Driving Skillz, then it's possible to reduce stopping distances without ABS. But for most people they'll do better by just using ABS = 1 and putting the pedal to the firewall.

...thumbs up to no assist driving, been doing since I can remember. :)
That's a very noble approach. Keep in mind, though, that you've been using ABS in GT1 to GT4 (even on cars built in the 1950s!), it's only in GT5 that we have the option to turn it off.