Tuning request: Takata Dome NSX

Hello fellow tuners.

First off, I'm not requesting this set up merely because I am lazy, but I just can't seem to dial in the NSX as well as the Xanavi GTR.

I would greatly appreciate your tuning setups, but I will also address a main issue with the car.

Oversteer at high speed and low speed corners, even with differential, ARB and Spring rate changes.

Thanks ahead of time, gentlemen.
There is a standard model Takata Dome NSX '03 and other is a premium, either '06 or '08 year model... which do you want?
I fail at search, I'm a dumbass.
True story.

I search for 'Takata Dome NSX' in the 'Tuning Forum' because, let's be honest, why would you look anywhere else?

Only 17 threads come up
Only 5 of them are Tuning Garages
Only 4 of which result in a GT500 NSX Tune
Only 2 of those are the Takata Dome, but I'd venture to say the Epson tune or Stealth version, would work on the Takata anyways.
Both of them have pretty pictures of the car, so that even illiterate people like you can identify them.
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I did a generic search and got back thousands of pages of results. That's ok, I live in my mom's basement with no job or future so I got time to sort through them.
Do you realize not everybody is like you? We have school, work, wives, girlfriends, pets, etc. I don't have time to sort through the thousands of pages you've presented. You get it?

You didn't think I'd try 'Takata Dome NSX' exactly as you say? You get back 11 results and it's very different than your 🤬 post.
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Picture worth a thousand words.
Take special note of the:
17 results found
and the .09 seconds it took to find them.

Well then, here's a thousand more

I guess different browsers/OS yield different results but it's still mostly the same. Your arrows point to threads having upwards of over 1000 pages and the lowest 50. Anyway, the most I've gleaned from all this is that an Epson NSX may work also.
Well then, here's a thousand more

I guess different browsers/OS yield different results but it's still mostly the same. Your arrows point to threads having upwards of over 1000 pages and the lowest 50. Anyway, the most I've gleaned from all this is that an Epson NSX may work also.

Out of curiosity, try searching for the same thing I did, and let me know if you still get 11 results, or if you get 17. I used no comma's, but even when i used them as you did, I still get 17 returns. /shrug

Regardless, it further proves my point. You have less results, and it took less time to find them. 4 garages, of which 3 possess JGTC NSX tunes. 2 of which have pictures so that you absolutely can't miss them.

You do not have to look at 1000 posts (not pages) to see their tunes available. I know it sounds crazy, but tuning garages actually list all of their tunes, with links, in a single compiled post, which is almost always the first post on the first page.
I know it sounds crazy, but tuning garages actually list all of their tunes, with links, in a single compiled post, which is almost always the first post on the first page.

This quote needs to be plastered all over the tuning forum. The amount of times I've seen people completely ignore the first page and request a tune that's actually already up on the first page. :grumpy:
This quote needs to be plastered all over the tuning forum. The amount of times I've seen people completely ignore the first page and request a tune that's actually already up on the first page. :grumpy:

You're telling me, these kinds of request threads drive me up the wall. Anyways, I have a tune for the Stealth Version in Lion's Den Performance Racing (post #2 of Lion's Den Performance) which I'm told works just the same.
Dunno about the op, but the tuning garages' op are the first things I checked. The pickings are slim and weren't as fruitful as I'd hoped they'd be.
Dunno about the op, but the tuning garages' op are the first things I checked. The pickings are slim and weren't as fruitful as I'd hoped they'd be.

Righto, there's tunes out for a good 10% of cars in the game between the garages.

That's slim when there's over 1000 cars eh? Awesome.