Tuning the Speed 12

  • Thread starter feckless

I love the TVR Speed 12 really much!
I think it´s the best looking car (the rally vers.) and its sound is really A W E S O M E ! ! !

But as you all know, this car is really hard 2 handle.....

I always lose control of it in the last round of a race and loose.....That SUCKS!!!

Could someone help me tuning this uncontrolable 811 hp beast into a controlable one????
Drop the 50,000 cr and buy the TCS. Set it at about 50-61. You will see great improvement in the Speed 12's behavior.
7lbs front, 8 lbs rear
front and rear ride height at lowest
shocks at 7/8 7/8
toe -.20/.20
Camber -1.8/-1.3
Stab 5/3

TCS @ 70

Downforce at MAX

LSD @ 6/36/21

This car should run Super Speedway b/t 26-28 seconds.
Simple, you don't tune the Speed 12, it tunes YOU!

I've never played with the TCS...not very "professional".
wow man.. with a few adjustments to your setup for the Speed 12 for SS.. i ran a 55.809 @ 216.41 MPH on Midfield :)..

S1: 13.885
S2: 11.725
S3: 18.252
S4: 11.947

Final: 55.809
It's all in how you drive it........

.......respect the power, and your reward is a gold trophy.

Drive it like a GT1 LM car, not a GT-3 LM car.

Approach corner.........

Lift throttle, downshift, downshift, brake hard, apex the corner, power out, upshift, upshift.........
Yea me too, I'm pretty good at the game but I can't do manual shifting. There's already enough things in the game to think about besides shifting.
Auto is too slow and doesn't shift well......shift points aren't very *good*.

Anyhoo.........you can still downshift with auto's by giving the REVERSE button a littp *tap* before you start to brake for the corner, then *tap* the Rev button again before you stomp on the gas to power out of the corner....

......if you don't downshift, you'll enter the corner in 5th or 6th and exit in 5th or 6th about 40mph slower....that means your rev's drop WAY below the powerband, and the computer is way to slow to fix things.
the TCS works, but its off, i prefer to handle this the way it came, it definitely improves driving skills, and try it in manual, if u have it, its a good car to learn manual and improve drivin skills because its that hard....if u can do it all on that one, any other car shud be easy!
The speed 12 is the most under-rated car in the game. Most people dont race it long enough to learn how it is just so wild most give up. TCS does help but it is like driving a hipowered supra it takes practice!!!:odd:
Originally posted by stevo357
The speed 12 is...like driving a hipowered supra it takes practice!!!:odd:
Hmmm. It does remind me of a hard-tuned Supra RZ from GT1. Tricky out of the slow stuff, amazing out of the faster bends.
Originally posted by pupik
Hmmm. It does remind me of a hard-tuned Supra RZ from GT1. Tricky out of the slow stuff, amazing out of the faster bends.
Yeah, except with like half the weight, and nearly the same power! :eek: It's quite a ride when you finally get to grips with it. :)
the speed 12 may be good but i got a supra to 220 mph at 551 hp i can git more but you can see that hp is not the thing that makes the car speed and handaling is
the speed 12 is not as good as you all think if you look at other cars you can find that other cars can beat the speed 12 and handal beter with little tuning
I can get faster times with a Speed 12 than any other car with 800Bhp, I can easilly beat my mates in their Supra JGTC's and NISMO R34 GT's ect and I find it very rewarding, if you can't make it compete with the fastest you arn't driving it right. As for it's handling, there are few that handle better.
what every one thinks is more is beter but it is not so if you cant handle the car you cant make it in the game that goes for all cars that is all i'm saying and you all have to agree with me on that
Can you re-phrase that in English, "everyone thinks more is better but it is not so if you cant handle the car you cant make it in the game". If what you mean by that is if you can't handle the car then it's not better your very wrong, what the car can achieve is fantastic, if the drivers skills are lacking then it's not the cars fault.
the car is not at fault but if you the driver cant handel the car you cant make it in the game i dont use the speed 12 in the game that is my weakness but i can beat the speed 12 with my supra
The AI sucks at driving in GT, you can beat the GT All stars in a full tuned Europa if your good enough. If you can beat it racing against a mate then you'll find that your mate can't drive the car that well, rest assured if you were to put your best midfield time in the Supra against my best time in the Speed 12, the Speed 12 would be quicker, the records for GT2 tracks at racing line for FR cars are held by the Speed 12 on pretty much every track, I think motorsports land is the only one it isn't but you don't race there anyway.