- 862
- Cincinnati, Ohi
- DA6righthand
Recently I've been racing in extended races and I need some hints as to how I can tune to make tires last longer. Cars I'm working with are the super gt NSXs. Those cars eat tires. Thanks for the help!
My ARTA has something like 6/3. I like to trail brake so if the rear end kicks out with my foot very lightly on the brake pedal I drop the rear bias until it goes away. 10/10 will enable the ABS immediately...which will probably chew through tires quicker than a lower setting where the ABS only kicks in if you overshoot a corner. Again, its more about driving style than tuning...but brakes at 10/10 won't help.
...i will note, I haven't driven the ARTA since before the 2.02 update...so I'm sure my tune needs some tweaking.
My ARTA has something like 6/3. I like to trail brake so if the rear end kicks out with my foot very lightly on the brake pedal I drop the rear bias until it goes away. 10/10 will enable the ABS immediately...which will probably chew through tires quicker than a lower setting where the ABS only kicks in if you overshoot a corner. Again, its more about driving style than tuning...but brakes at 10/10 won't help.
...i will note, I haven't driven the ARTA since before the 2.02 update...so I'm sure my tune needs some tweaking.
Toe and Camber are the biggest tuning factors to tire wear. Zero toe front and rear is all I run. Camber is tricky; you have to get the camber set so that the tire is presented squarely to the tarmac as often as possible (the unseen camber/roll rate helps). If your camber is wrong your tires will come up to temp fast and wear one edge fast, if your camber is set correctly your tire will take time coming up to temp and wear evenly. After all that you have to do is not lock them up or light them up.
This is true in real life, but is it something you've tested in GT5?