Tuning Woes

Hello Interwebz peoples. After I finished the x1 challenge, I started using all of my time on gt5 with online racing. After I realized how much of a difference a real good tune makes, I started trying with my cars. Now, it's not that I don't know what i'm doing, or that I don't get results. I have a pretty good idea of what all of the custom options do. The problem is, I screw up every car I try to tune.
For Example: After an online race with my f10, I started tuning. I wanted accel and handling over top speed, so I shortened gears 1-4, because I wanted good accel coming out of a turn, and lengthened 5-7 for a high top speed. This mostly worked, but the car had a tendence to spin out on starts and turns. I relengthened gear 1 and Increased downforce to max. At this point the cars starts were crap and It spun whenever I did anything. Reset to Default :banghead:
My Actual Question: Is there a good comprehensive guide to learn tuning, or is it something that only experience can teach you?
It's a lil of both. Guides are great but usually cater to the writers style of Tuning. Tuning is very subjective no one style is better then a next. So guides are great for giving one tuners perspective and methods, these methods may not work as well for you or your style.

My suggestion is learn as much as possible outside of tuning guides, then read the guides if you want keeping in Ming that is the writers perspective and opinions and not as factual os one would be lead to believe.

Then practice, test, repeat. Nothing will top practicing.
I have explained my approach to tuning in my garage (link in my signature below). It all centers around getting the LSD settings right first. It should at least get you started.

The F10 along with the FGT are difficult tunes. They are always on the razor's edge, so their tunes need to be a bit more precise. Very challenging. Maybe start to learn tuning on cars with 200 hp or less and play with different drive trains (FF, FR, MR, 4WD, etc.). Then move up to 450 hp cars and finally on to super cars.