Tunning Request: 03 Honda S2000

  • Thread starter koreanbro
General setting would be good, so far I got 475pp with MR/SR tire on front and back. I got the suspension set but then I keeps under steer! I like to have little over steer instead under steer!
General setting would be good, so far I got 475pp with MR/SR tire on front and back. I got the suspension set but then I keeps under steer! I like to have little over steer instead under steer!

You have medium racing slicks on the front and soft racing slicks on the rear?
Yes, I got medium racing tires on front and soft racing tire on the rear.

That's why you're understeering so badly. The rear have more grip than the fronts and will just continue pushing forward when you turn.

Also, not sure what the power output of the S2000 is (is it stock engine?) but you probably do not need that kind of gripping power. You would probably be good to switch down to RH (or even SS) on front and rear and then spend whatever remaining power points you have on weight reduction or power mods.