We need to stay the hell out.
This times 1 billion. Sure we helped out Libya, but the difference was that the animosity was mainly between Gaddhafi and the people.
Assad can easily present himself as a barrier against Sunni tyranny to these aforementioned minorities.
Unfortunately DK, he didn't get your memo 12 years ago. Everyone outside the Alawite community pretty much hates him, so I won't be surprised if Alawites leave the country in droves if the rebels succeeded. Too much bad blood between the groups. But sometimes, a dictator just has to get bounced.
In Syria you got the possibility of Assad vs Shias vs Sunnis vs Druze vs Alawites vs Christians vs mercenaries vs terrorist groups and ultimately vs proxy Israel, Iran, and the Saudis along with other gulf countries. And let's not forget NATO, since Turkey basically said "one more move and we'll lay you out.".
Syria is the spider web we may not be able to untangle ourselves from.
The only real way to depose of Assad is from internal means. Via it's own people. American boots in Syria will only flame the war further and encourage other extremists yahoos to justify any further actions against us. As of right now, Assad is clinging to the shred of power that he has, and he knows it. It's only a matter of time now until the dictator has "gon fishin'".
And don't forget about Russia getting ticked that if we bombed one of their most loyal customers.