Turn off analog button ?

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Hello, this is my second day with PS2 and GT4. I`m wondering if it is possible somehow to turn off analog steering? On my gamepad is red light, and when i press button named analog, it doesn`t turn off. Is it possible to turn it off???
Thank in advance!

tried to search forum and google, but no positive results!
To my best knowledge, no. Actually, GT4 doesn't even work with a digital controller so I highly doubt you being able to put the DS2 to digital mode. That doesn't stop you from using the directional pad for steering or the buttons for accelerating and braking though, if that's what you're afraid of.
Is the red light scaring you? if it won't turn off, then it's not going to turn off, just ignore it..
Oh, yeah! They're all pressure sensitive.

But in a non-pressure sensitive game, they act as digital.

And GT4 is not a non-pressure sensitive game...

Annoyingly, the SIXAXIS buttons seem to be digital.