Turtles in a *what?* shell

  • Thread starter Jarnac

were they heroes/ninjas in a 'half shell' or a 'hard shell'?

  • HALF shell

    Votes: 15 83.3%
  • HARD shell

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Apparently there is, still, an ongoing arguement as to the exact wording of the Turtles theme song. Whether you're a ninja or a hero, nearly thirty, only just twenty or even younger, you will probably at least remember (if not be a fan of) the Teenage Mutant Turtles.
The question is not whether these pizza eating renaissance named good doers were really heroes or ninjas, but whether they were clad in halfshells or hardshells (turtle power).
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I too, always believed the words to be half shell when I heard them in the song, but really hard shell is more likely, isn't it?
It does seem that it should be hardshell but that, being true, would ruin everything I ever knew as a kid. I would have to start doubting other things too........Was Inspector Gadget really an idiot?
actually "it's heroes in in a half-shell". I don't think the 88 guys ever got archived onto video tape, though. note, the lyrics and even title were changed in Britan to get rid of the word "ninja" and Mikey's numchucks

Shem: yes, gadget is an idiot. the voice actor played a bumbling spy named maxwell smart on TV in the 60's, so it's a bit of an in joke, also, the actor had been pigeon-holed by his part, which is why he ended up as Gadget.
Shem: yes, gadget is an idiot. the voice actor played a bumbling spy named maxwell smart on TV in the 60's, so it's a bit of an in joke, also, the actor had been pigeon-holed by his part, which is why he ended up as Gadget.

Get Smart... Shame the new movie didn't live up to the source material.
Niky: it never does live up to the source. Hollywood changes everything to try and "keep up" with current trends and what they think will appeal to the crowd they're aiming at.

that's why, among other things, Star Trek got the reboot it did.