Tyre Barriers

I think tyre barriers, where the tyres all come lose when you crash into them, add so much to racing games. Turn 1 on the Tokyo track has a mini tyre barrier, that if you collide with it, will spread the tyres all over the circuit.

This isn't consistent with the other tyre barriers in GT5, Grand Valley Speedway for instance has loads of red/blue tyre barriers but if you collide with them they don't react. They are like the old school type that might as well be solid walls.

I have 2 questions, 1. Has anyone found any other tyre barriers in the game that come lose if you hit into them?

2. Do you think they will update all the other barriers to have them all come lose on contact?

I just love seeing tyres getting thrown around the track, it makes for great replays/photos that it's a shame all the tyre barriers dont behave like this in GT5, seeing as they have proven they can do it with the Tokyo mini barrier.
Tyre barriers on Real Circuits don't spreed the tyres all over the track. I'm a Marshal on Nürburgring and Hockenheimring and i'm every weekend on one of this tracks. But i've never seen tyres that fly all over the place.

Sorry for my bad english.
I agree, dispersing tyres is a great effect and there should bb more of it.

Just like BloodyJ*sus says, tyres are usually wire-banded together so they dont all seperate, but you would still get some dispersal.

It is not just the old tracks that have 'concrete' tyres. The ones on the TGTT (newly modelled) has a tyre wall in the follow-thru that will stop you dead! Go figure?
I'd love it if the barriers were realistic and actually flexed when you went into the tires, but that's clearly not going to happen in this generation, at least with Gran Turismo. We're maybe 1 or 2 generations of hardware away from that IMO (or for it to be a semi-common thing at least).
I'd love it if the barriers were realistic and actually flexed when you went into the tires, but that's clearly not going to happen in this generation, at least with Gran Turismo. We're maybe 1 or 2 generations of hardware away from that IMO (or for it to be a semi-common thing at least).

Grid actually did this quite well. Not perfect and a little over the top but it wasnt too bad.
make it more realistic by having to pay for barrier repairs on the nurburgring nordschliefe....
I'm a massive F1 fan, and I do agree that tyres don't go flying all over the track when they crash, but they do fall apart and move around. Normally bunches of tyres break free rather then each separate tyre, but I still think it looks cool in the replays etc :) I think I would be happy with tyres that flex rather then bounce around all over the play.
I'm really interested to find if anyone has found anymore tyres/barriers etc that move when you hit them.

So far I have only found that mini tyre wall at turn 1 of Tokyo, and then also the plastic barriers around the Tokyo track. Along with these, Top Gear Track has some small boardings on the side of the track, braking point boards, that can be hit and loads of cones obviously. Anyone found anything else that can be moved? It makes for great photos/replays :)
The final chicane at Nurburgring GP had those big white rectangular-prism-like barriers that move around when you hit them, just like at the last turn at Tokyo.
If I want stuff flying all over the screen, I best stick with Mario Kart and the like.

Although dodging debris would add an interesting element.
All the cornermarkers before turn 1 at Laguna Seca. I've seem some fly past the corner on the fly. But if it ends up in the middle of the track you can't hit them again... :grumpy:
The final chicane at Nurburgring GP had those big white rectangular-prism-like barriers that move around when you hit them, just like at the last turn at Tokyo.

Yeah, for a laugh, I pushed one of these onto the track in an online race with friends, I then parked at the side of the track and looked on at the carnage.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hm, i also spread the tyres out on Tokyo, and noticed how...Well, just how octagonal they are? Are they not meant to be circular?
On less invested tracks tyres arn't banded strongly, MSA rules say that tyres must be banded 3 high at least however it doesn't say with what, at our local kart track they use this rubbish plastic thing that often breaks and spreads tyres everywhere.
I hit a tire barrier at Lime Rock in a Formula Dodge (now Formula Mazda). It hurt, and none of them popped out of place lol.
I hit a tire barrier at Lime Rock in a Formula Dodge (now Formula Mazda). It hurt, and none of them popped out of place lol.

Yeah it depends if the tyres are used or not, if they are new they don't move atall when you hit them.

At our local kart track we had loads of brand new michilen tryes donated from the local merc dealer because of their relationship with mclaren and the new f1 rules they had to change all the cars in their dealership to bridgestone tyres so the track got all these brand new tyres that are rock solid.

At least they got the rock hard bit right in the game then ;)
Yeah it depends if the tyres are used or not, if they are new they don't move atall when you hit them.

At our local kart track we had loads of brand new michilen tryes donated from the local merc dealer because of their relationship with mclaren and the new f1 rules they had to change all the cars in their dealership to bridgestone tyres so the track got all these brand new tyres that are rock solid.

At least they got the rock hard bit right in the game then ;)

:eek: brand new tires! Thats like painful to think of, especially in the big sizes on many new benzes! Both in physical pain of hitting them, and to waste tires that are like $200 a pop retail!
When so many people were crying out for "damage", in a a lot of people's cases I believe what they were really looking for was realistic impacts; bouncy tyre-walls, slight movement with armco barriers etc.

Probably the only good thing about GRID was the realism of impacts into barriers. This adds far more realism than smashing into a "concrete" tyre-wall and having a slight deformation, as is the case in GT5.
It is not just the old tracks that have 'concrete' tyres. The ones on the TGTT (newly modelled) has a tyre wall in the follow-thru that will stop you dead! Go figure?

Have you crashed into the signs on the way to Hammerhead on the TGTT? They are only 1 or 2 tyres with a bit of plastic on, but if you hit one they kill your car.
I'm really interested to find if anyone has found anymore tyres/barriers etc that move when you hit them.

So far I have only found that mini tyre wall at turn 1 of Tokyo, and then also the plastic barriers around the Tokyo track. Along with these, Top Gear Track has some small boardings on the side of the track, braking point boards, that can be hit and loads of cones obviously. Anyone found anything else that can be moved? It makes for great photos/replays :)

I slammed into the plastic barriers sending them all over the road. Few laps later I came around about to lap the pack and I saw one AI car start to flip end over end and another wooshed off a good 50-60ft in the air. Was cash.