uh wtf? onlinechampionship in GT4 pal?

  • Thread starter AndreasN
Make a licensetest.. press the 1 2 3 icon to show your times..
then hilight a time, and press "x" and it will show up a
window with "passcode 40768155 36573389 blablabla" lots of

do you think this is gonna be used for onlinechampionship?

or is it for those without memorycards?
I heard of this on another board..
I'm guessing that granturismoworld.com will probably let you enter that code and you will be ranked online or something...
This feature was in the Asian versions already too. I'm sure they included it for competitions, but we'll have to wait and see if anyone actually makes use of it.
GT3 also had entry codes if you held down R1 and L1 when selecting a record. But no one ever used those, not even the official site. I don't think anyone knew how they worked. It would be cool if the gtworld site let you use them...
Someone would find out how to break the code and before you know it you would have "official" times where a mini cooper lapped faster than an F1 car.
Originally posted by Bill-182
Someone would find out how to break the code and before you know it you would have "official" times where a mini cooper lapped faster than an F1 car.

yeah thats sure :lol: