UK Man thought moon was UFO

  • Thread starter Grayfox
A British man called emergency services in panic to report a UFO hovering in the sky, only to ring back minutes later after realising it was only the moon.

Police in Hertfordshire, south of London, were stunned after the man called earlier this month saying: "There's something flying over our house, it's coming towards me now, with lights blazing.

"I don't know what the hell it is, it's not an airplane, but it's hovering."

But not long after describing the mystery craft to police and hanging up, the man sheepishly rang back.

"I made a mistake," the caller admitted.

"I thought I saw something that was really strange and it wasn't actually … You won't believe this, it's the moon."

Herefordshire police have released the bizarre phone call to remind people not block emergency service phone lines during the busy Halloween weekend.

Source: Ninemsn.

I think he had too much to drink or he is a complete and utter idiot.
I think he had too much to drink or he is a complete and utter idiot.

As with the journalist who thinks Hertfordshire is south of London. Also that "Herefordshire" has a police force or that this fictional police force would be interested in either an emergency call from south of London or Hertfordshire.
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Woah, at the start it says Hertfordshire, then says Herefordshire.

What next, 'There's this freaky metal thing on my drive man, it has like, 4 wheels and lights!'
What's the point of this thread? If we had people making more threads talking about dumb people from the UK there would be about 3 million threads. Seriously! The guy is an idiot who deserves no media attention.
I'm afraid this can't be handled within the range of our common sense... :ill:

What's the point of this thread? If we had people making more threads talking about dumb people from the UK there would be about 3 million threads. Seriously! The guy is an idiot who deserves no media attention.

Haha, yeah mate. It's just a frivolous matter which is not worth being picked up as someone's problem but as a source of evocation of laughters.
This reminds me of a strange incident at my home.

I was absorbed in front of my computer screen in my room as the night approached and was alone in the house, the lights closed. At some point my eye is drawed by a spooky green light coming from the corridor. I was terrified as I couldn't understand what caused the light. It was very quiet as well and I was frightened to go to the corridor and check it out.

Then, my parents come home and I realise it was a new small green light my dad had installed in the corridor! :lol:
As with the journalist who thinks Hertfordshire is south of London. Also that "Herefordshire" has a police force or that this fictional police force would be interested in either an emergency call from south of London or Hertfordshire.

How very dare you!!! Hereford does have a police force, I dealt with them many times growing up there (I know technically they're West Mercia police but they were always known as Herefordshire police to us!!). Uninterestingly I have lived in both Herefordshire and Hertfordshire and can confirm neither are south of London
I have lived in both Herefordshire and Hertfordshire and can confirm neither are south of London

Having lived in South London I can confirm you wouldn't want to live there given a choice, unless you'd like to be chased by the Millwall just for singing Bubbles while drunk. :noappropriatesmily:
How very dare you!!! Hereford does have a police force, I dealt with them many times growing up there (I know technically they're West Mercia police but they were always known as Herefordshire police to us!!). Uninterestingly I have lived in both Herefordshire and Hertfordshire and can confirm neither are south of London

They are officially the West Mercia police though. Mainly because true 'Herefordshire' police would have tractors, and therefore be useless. Still, beats the Corsas they use. :lol:

Also, I think the journalist is almost as stupid as the guy he is talking about. As many have said, Hertfordshire is not south of london, and is also different to Herefordshire. Unless he was moving house during the phone call. :lol:
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I like the idea of the moon being a UFO, people could then do much more than just landing on it repeatedly.