Ultimate Realism

  • Thread starter D_gamer725
Gran Turismo 5 as the best graphics I've ever seen and wonder what the next step would be in realsim. Why don't you share your idaes of what's next in gaming realism. Graphics probably won't get better than GT5 untill there is the technology to make 3D holograms on game systems.:lol:
I agree, the car the models are simply perfect, I mean photorealistic, correctly modeled, true to life whichever you like best. And I shout..At Last we have pefect car models! I'm expecting this game will be very-very popular in Europe and in the whole world in general. :)

Other games may have high-poligonal cars, but they don't look as true to life as Gran Turismo. So yes GT5 is a step up above the rest and once again it maintains the standard, not sets it. Physics are very good too, there are issues with braking maybe, but "overall" for me GT4 has the deepest physics engine of them all. I haven't played GT5 yet.

Only such a serious person like Kazunori has the time and confidence and also the experience to create what he thinks best as a car enthusiast + programmer. Kazunori Yamauchi is not a die-hard gamer, more so he's past 30 I think, he's a creator in the first place. Instead of a user he is a head with ideas on the table and that's how it shoud be. He's playing the game in his imagination for then it to be brought into the real programming.

He surely loves to drive cars in real life not in whatever game, even his GT. But he knows the path of the game perfectly. He knows what it needs to become stellar, true to real life. In fact the greatest creators are never gamers and are not young too, rather sculptors, take for instance the creator of Deus Ex game, Metal Gear Solid game, Final Fantasy and so on- they are Masters of Art.
If Kazunori was a gamer in the first place believe me he would not be the boss around there, a boss needs to have a good grip of reality he's coming from and into the virtual world, not merely a virtual world addict. I respect him a lot, he's the best and GT5 is in good hands while there's a "real" personality in there along with the other talented programmers in the crew.

He said it right he's a car enthusiast and he naturaly will do best to bring all the car greateness to the virtual world so that he can can feel accomplished and share it with the rest of the world. So the world can have a taste of it, even if they don't have money for all the good cars in real life.
graphics by themselves are far from the be-all end-all, there's a LOT that goes into creating a realistic virtual world other than having your main objects being modeled with 100,000s of polygons..

-lighting: daytime/night time, realtime headlights/reflections
-realistic and physically correct weather effects
-water accumulation on the track (affecting performance, like hydroplaning for example)
-water hitting the windshield (from rain and cars in front of you)
-dust being kicked up and interacting with other cars/windshields
-wind, leaves in an autumn setting being realistically picked off the ground as a car drives over them (think back to the mini ring)
-tire tracks on the track surface and its effect on traction
-deformation (VERY HARD) such as realistic collisions with the environment and other cars, parts failing or falling off as a result of a collision and interacting with the track and other cars
-higher quality crowds and backgrounds (trees and crowd could def use more polygons), etc etc

there's a loooot of room for improvement still.. maybe on the PS4 and GT7 :lol:

aaaaaaaand of course, driver AI :lol:

ps: seriously, give me all those things i just listed, all porsches/lambos/ferraris/maseratis (and some bentleys and rolls royces for fun), and 100 tracks (all gt4 tracks in HD glory as well as a variety of new ones), and this will be THE PERFECT game :D
The graphics of this next-gen are amazing :tup:but everyone thinks that for the first couple years. Im sure in eight years from now we'll be wondering how we could play GT5 with those graphics.:yuck:

Anyways I think physics is the best place to improve for the series. I mean they change the physics of the game everytime they release a new game, obviously because it get more realistic (but still not perfect:dunce:). PD has to get to the point where they don't need to change the physics because its as real as it gets. Only then will the series be the real driving simulator.:)
I think, with updates, we will reach realism with the Cars' graphics, and true handling physics by the end of the PS3's [primary] lifespan. The next generation of GT on PS4 will be all about realism of the environment; true weather effects, true crash damage, dynamic night/day, near human AI... I don't think we will see these things in GT5 if only maybe in a semi-realistic fashion.

It won't be just about graphics though either... It will be the very small things; the seemingly random "moments" that happen in life and in racing. Debris (like a plastic bag) tumbles across the track and you see an AI car swerve to avoid hitting it and sucking it up. Maybe a bird hits your windscreen (happens all the time) or a squirrel randomly comes out of nowhere and runs across the track. Things like these are "moments," however small, that happen in life and they are things that are remembered because of how small and seemingly "random" they are.

Another thing that would be interesting to see (I think Kaz has mentioned this before as part of his dream of GT) is; lets say you are doing an early morning lap on a track where it has just rained a tiny bit, there is a car in front of you (slower than you too... should be moving to the outside... bloody bastard...) who is kicking up water off the track creating a slight mist that collects on your windscreen, hood, and the rear end of the car in front of you... the sun reflects off of all these little particles of mist as it's shining through your windscreen in the corner of your eye. As you realize all this your senses become hightened and you notice the sound of your car and the incredible beauty of life around you. BUT! It's only a "moment" when everything is just at this perfect angle and it only lasts for a minute. "Moments" like these are really very pretty and very special because they only last for a moment. They actually make it somewhat difficult to keep focused because of how beautiful it all is. C'est la vie!!

These experiences are taken from my own personal experience on the real life track, and as I said earlier they are the things that you really remember; the dynamic situations that unfold, that you have to react to in some way. These things have nothing to do with cars and racing, but end up shaping the race or the lap itself no matter how small. Without these things it is not life.
one thing ive ALWAYS hated in ALL games was how a part of your character, or in this case car, goes through a part of another character/car... i dont think that there was too much of a problem with this in GT4, or even GT3... but one thing that i hate just as much that is in GT4, GT3, and just about every other 3D game ever made so far is how your racing or whatever and you come so close to a wall or whatever that the "camera" is in between the wall and you see a bunch of buildings or whatever in the background that you arent supposed to see from where you are... it happened to me this morning... i was attempting to drift through the tunnel in the clubman track and i hit the wall and saw the building way off in the distance... i wasnt supposed to see that from there... another thing, that 🤬 where your car or whatever falls into nothingness... i hate that... thats kind of like what i believe was called "blue hell" in grand theft auto...
i have been wishing for a hologram game console since i played the few that were in arcades in the early 90's. they were awesome, i loved the cowboy game and the fighting game. i can't remember the actual names of them but ever since i played them i have been waiting for the release of such a game to the public. hopefully they are made in the next 10 years before i get to old to enjoy gaming.