previews larger than 400x300 are 🤬 annoying. 👎
I think that if an entry preview isn't changed to 400x300 by the time the poll is up that it doesn't go.
Not that it's your fault SVX.
I'm in total agreement as well, the full size pics take away from the readability and functionality of the polls, mainly viewing the results.
In addition, the larger pics have an unfair advantage, as the larger size offer more details than, the rest of us that followed the rules with a 400x300 or less thumbnail.
In the future might I suggest, that the non-previewed entry be either disqualified or put in the poll as text link with the users name linked to the full size.
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i voted the mustang, good choice of locale as well, not a forgotten car though, mine has racked up over 1000 miles......
If your choice is not considered a "Forgotten Car" by you, then vote on another shot that fits the theme. The
Theme is a very important consideration when voting, if not why have themes for these competitions.
On another note, I'm amazed I didn't get a vote so far with the Drifting Model T, rarely shot here. The difficulty of the shot was high, considering I had to drive almost half the track to build up enough speed to execute a inertial drift. That said, my shot sure wasn't going to win, as there are IMO 3 or 4 better shots that fit the theme well. Also being stuck right below a huge image, could lend to my shot being overlooked, possibly.
My favorite shots in this one would be, mynameissport, Jetboy, Swiss Legend (despite being pink), and jinjinweiwei. My vote went to mynameissport as it fits the theme perfectly, as well as being a rare track seen here, it was a good looking shot with decent reflections.