Unable to share Bobs - Upload Failed(ID=11)

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Any idea what this problem may be? I have done all of my B-spec races now, got to level 40, and have have 6 Bobs all around 75% career and level 30+, so time to remote race them.

When I try to share with friends, I keep getting the Upload Failed (ID-11) error message, and no amount of searching gives me an answer to the problem.

Thanks in advance!
I had previous, but reset game and system, logged on again, and same error :(

I do have a very slow net connection at the moment, 1 ADSL pipe to the exchange for 300 households, so will try again when it is quieter.
I had the same problem when I was using a cell phone to act as a wireless router. Could be an internet connection problem.
Yep - looks like it was the slow net, as I have just managed to set 4 online now as local households have started switching off.

Damn, this is 2011, but feels like 1991 with the speeds I have to endure around here :(