Understanding Vehichle Dynamics

United States
Florida - USA
Found this when trying to get additional information to help my tuning. I don't know what you think about it but to me it really helped me understand exactly what under/over steer is and what we're trying to accomplish to combat it. Best of all it's in terms the "non-mechanic" can understand IMO. Hope it helps you too! Can't wait to give it a try!

Understanding Vehicle Dynamics!
Quote from the linked website.
Friction circle: This is basically a vehicles performance envelope. It's expressed in lateral G’s, accelerating and braking G’s. When graphed, the friction circle looks like an egg with the X axis lateral G’s and the Y access braking and accelerating G’s.
Technically a friction circle/ellipse is a plot of the longitudinal and lateral force that the tires experiences for a series of slip angles and slip ratios. It is not the same as a g-g diagram, which it seems what that site is talking about.
Hi FishHunters, thanks for sharing the link.

For GT5 learnings, I would only read up to the "Polar Moment of Inertia" section, after this you'll start getting led astray.
Hi FishHunters, thanks for sharing the link.

For GT5 learnings, I would only read up to the "Polar Moment of Inertia" section, after this you'll start getting led astray.

Yeah, i would say some of it has to be taken with a grain of salt because it applies to 'real-world' cars. And for some of it GT doesn't address those aspects of tuning. However, I do feel it really helps the layman get a feel/understanding of what suspension tuning in particular is trying to accomplish and how to go about it. Can't wait for monday to get here so I can work on my ZR-1 RM!

It definitely helped me!