Understeer using controller

  • Thread starter JayRS200


I've noticed since we got Spa there has been weird understeer noticeable for me at low speed in race cars.

First noticed it while driving a Nissan GTR Gr3 at Spa in turn 1. Thought ok it's the Nissan it will do that. Then thought wait this isn't the daily race using RH tyres, heavy with fuel and no tuning, this was RSS tyres and tuned to be fairy pointy.

When it happens there is very little chance of saving it, a lot of time will be lost, as in between half of a second to a second.

Since then I've been doing mostly last weeks daily race C, then testing some supercars at Lemons, bit of Gr3 and Gr4 in lobbies, but not much.

Then I download the Lewis Hamilton time trial and the same understeer behaviour is prevalent. I'm at the point now that I've almost lost all confidence in my ability because I never know when this understeer is going to hit. Thought it might just be the Merc Gr3 without its BoP so I tried the Renault Gr3, same issue at every track.

Tried turning down controller sensitivity and although that worked a bit because it made acceleration (right stick) less sensitive, it also made steering less sensitive. I used to use 3 for controller sensitivity but upped it to 4 and it made me faster. Now with this understeer 4 is horrible. 3 is not good either but is better than anything else.

I use the controller connected via USB as I heard this lowers response time, so I thought keep the sensitivity on 4 and unplug the controller. Don't know if it was just a placebo effect but it seemed slightly better (untill the understeer happened again several times and I again lost confidence).

It feels like in the past when I wouldn't play for a month or more then came back, feels very alien to me. Thing is though that I'm driving better than ever, well into A+, well into the top 100 at some daily races, very strong in FR cars.

This understeer I just don't get. Is this just the way the handling is now? Has anyone using a DS4 controller found this happening?
100pc theres way more understeer with a controller. Esses are a near lost cause as you just cannot hang with wheel drivers through them.

Your best tracks will be point n squirt, Rbr, Brazil, bathurst and especially nurburgring gp track.

Look at my YouTube vids for how to handle it, you need to make very wide lines in a V shaped apex (not u shaped) and get on the gas hard and early. You also need to unsettle the car a bit on heavy braking with rear based brake balance, and sometimes even tap the brake to unsettle the car to enable turn in.

Oh and sensitivity 7.
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So I've read a few posts that the handling has indeed changed and there is more understeer. Thought I was going crazy (more than normal). Did PD changed it to make the LH time trial more difficult for fast drivers but again easier to handle for noobs?
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Then I download the Lewis Hamilton time trial and the same understeer behaviour is prevalent. I'm at the point now that I've almost lost all confidence in my ability because I never know when this understeer is going to hit.
FWIW that's how wheel users have it all the time. You can't tell with a wheel when you're just short of getting understeer, you have to use trial and error to learn the track and car combination, and how far you can turn the wheel for each corner before getting understeer. Maybe they've made the controller more like the wheel, and you now have to learn how far you can move the stick for each corner before getting understeer? The car in the LH TTs is particularly bad for this with the wheel, I find it really hard to tell when turning the wheel more will give more steering vs understeering, you just cannot tell at all from how the wheel feels.
FWIW that's how wheel users have it all the time. You can't tell with a wheel when you're just short of getting understeer, you have to use trial and error to learn the track and car combination, and how far you can turn the wheel for each corner before getting understeer. Maybe they've made the controller more like the wheel, and you now have to learn how far you can move the stick for each corner before getting understeer? The car in the LH TTs is particularly bad for this with the wheel, I find it really hard to tell when turning the wheel more will give more steering vs understeering, you just cannot tell at all from how the wheel feels.

Yes I thought as much about it being like what wheel users experience, but I read that it can be exploited with the wheel and used as an advantage. I'm finding the all the Gr3 cars just as bad as the LH Merc. Just glad it's not my imagination as I was feeling very lost recently. Wish PD were clearer about these things. Just got the Sauber at Nordshleife to gold which is the easiest for me. Would like the physics to go back to the way they were to have a crack at the diamond. Feels crap the way it is now.

Oh and I did put sensitivity up to 7 from 4. Feels just like 4 did before the change but still having to get full lock on asap most of the time. Just weird.
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Oh and I did put sensitivity up to 7 from 4. Feels just like 4 did before the change but still having to get full lock on asap most of the time. Just weird.
It sounds like you're describing the opposite of understeer - an inability to get the controller to turn the front wheels far enough to create understeer. What sound is the game making when you're feeling you want to get the wheels to turn more? With a wheel, it kind of goes:
no screeching -> mild screeching -> strong screeching -> understeer
So if you're able to cause strong screeching, the game is probably letting you steer up to just before the point of understeer. The best drivers are able to go stunningly fast while mainly in the no/mild screeching region to save the tyres.
I'm not sure about the normal stuff, but Lewis likes his cars very understeery, and the LHTT uses his setups.
Anyway, great job on getting A+ with DS4!
I'm picking up said understeer only when braking while on races. If it's on a lobbie, o. Open training before racing, it acts normal, race starts and I can't turn while braking to save my life. Seems like the wheels kinda lock up.

Anyone found a fix around this?

Mega EDIT: it's just above my post
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WIW that's how wheel users have it all the time. You can't tell with a wheel when you're just short of getting understeer, you have to use trial and error to learn the track and car combination, and how far you can turn the wheel for each corner before getting understeer

I definitely feel opposite to this claim.
This is not an objective truth.
Maybe depends on a persons settings what they feel in the ffb.
It’s not the case that you drive from memory not feel.
Maybe on a t80 but not an ffb wheel definitely.
Everything is dynamic, the way you load the tires and manage it rewards understanding of progressive tire loading.
try entering the corner slower and accelerating out, instead of braking towards the apex and understeering past it.
Yes I thought as much about it being like what wheel users experience, but I read that it can be exploited with the wheel and used as an advantage. I'm finding the all the Gr3 cars just as bad as the LH Merc. Just glad it's not my imagination as I was feeling very lost recently. Wish PD were clearer about these things. Just got the Sauber at Nordshleife to gold which is the easiest for me. Would like the physics to go back to the way they were to have a crack at the diamond. Feels crap the way it is now.

Oh and I did put sensitivity up to 7 from 4. Feels just like 4 did before the change but still having to get full lock on asap most of the time. Just weird.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that the Merc in the LHTT just wont turn.
I'm an A/S driver (barely) using the controller. I'm having similar problems, and have given up on Sport races since I cannot hang with anyone since the last physics update. It feels to me like it's not lack of front grip causing understeer-it's increased rear grip. This feels to me like its longitudinal (forward) grip that has been increased along with lateral grip being reduced.

I'm not good enough to compensate for this with my driving. It's frustrating to enter a turn not being confident of what the car might do.

Perhaps if the abs glitch has not been fixed, overheating the front tires would add to the lack of grip, or perception that the rear has too much grip. It happens for me in lobbies, career, and arcade races, as well as Sport.