Underwater Discoveries.

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Have you seen the sunken ship and the sub yet?

The sunken ship is north of the first island, broken in half, can't miss.

I havent seen the sub yet, but it's supposed to be of the prawn island northeast coast.

Also there is supposed to be another ship of the south coast of the second island. And a guy with cement shoes of the coast of the biker place, on a rocky outcrop.

Rumors of a crashed airliner too.
after a little searching, i found the ship off the second island's coast. Its almost due east from the destroyed water shack, in the ring of three shacks.

also found the cement shoes dude. if you go east from mitch baker's place, you should see a fully submerged rock formation. if the water is flat then a tiny sliver of rock should be above the water in the SE area of the rock formation he's right by there.
I've found both ships and seen the guy with cement shoes, but no sub.

I've also seen a shark, a sea turtle, a jellyfish, and some schools of fish.

And, while it's not underwater, I found Apartment 3C. Or maybe 2C. If you go to the Pay and Spray on Ocean Beach (the southernmost one on the first island) across from it, directly south, is a two story aparment complex with stairs leading to the second floor. Go around back, climb up the stairs, and try to go in the doors. There's one you can go into. And find a chainsaw if you need one. Apparantly a used chainsaw...
I found the sub.

OK, at the nothern tip of the first island is a large white or cream color hotel or mansion. It's the one next to the hideout you can buy. Line yourself up with the western end of that building, point directly north and you should spot it.
Haven't seen any of this yet :bubble:, however there are apparently hidden packages on mini islands out at sea?

The sub can also be found by heading directly west from the sunken cruise ship north of the first island. It's laying E-W on the bottom. Apartment 3C is cool, as is Mr Cement Shoes... :)